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teenagers. See adolescents telecommuting, 187
television, 203. See also mass media terrorism, 584–585
tertiary sector, 450
testing, school, 398, 401–403, 404,
405–406 textbooks, 410
Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 183 theoretical perspectives, 23–31. See also conflict perspective;
functionalism; symbolic
interactionism Tilly, Charles, 575
Title IX (Educational Amendment Act) (1972), 495, 517–518
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 569 Toland, John, 426–427 Tönnies, Ferdinand, 160, 580
total fertility rate, 532, 540 total institutions, 128 totalitarianism, 430 tracking, 398
traditional authority, 427 transportation and city growth, 559 trust, 209
Turkel, Sherry, 112
two-career families, 152, 374–375
Tyson, Mike, 204
Ullman, Edward, 559 underclass, 256–257, 293 unemployment, 293
Uniform Crime Reports (UCR),
United Parcel Service (UPS), 424 United States
American Dream status, 576–577 antiwar movement, 593–594 crime rates, 224–227
death rate of, 533
divorce rates, 364–366
domestic violence, 367–369 education in, 392
gender inequality, 309, 322–328 marriage, 354–355, 363–364, 365 as a meritocracy, 400–403 minority groups in, 291–301 political process, 428, 433–439 population projections, 544 poverty in, 259–263
realities of teaching in, 387 religion in, 481–488
social change in, 568–569
social class structure in, 254–257
social mobility in, 267–268
suburbanization of, 552–554, 559–560 University of Chicago, 18, 556
upper class, 255
urban ecology, 556
urban legends, 582–583, 592 urbanism, 580
urbanization, 160, 548, 551–552
U.S. Census Bureau, 39, 41, 226, 548 U.S. Department of Commerce, 41 U.S. Department of Labor, 41
value-added theory of social move- ments, 593–595
values. See also norms American, 90–91
definition of, 89 functionalist view, 26
media influence on, 124 sport as teacher of, 497, 504
variables, 51–52 Vaupel, James, 564–565 verstehen, 17
vertical mobility, 265 victim discounting, 219 video games, 112 Vietnam War, 593–594 violence. See also crime
cultural explanations, 106–107
in families, 367–369
gang, 558
media influence, 117, 124–126, 203 National Television Violence Study,
136–137 in schools, 180
in sports, 500, 505–506 virtual communities, 555 virtual office, 187
virtual organization, 164 voting, 337–338, 433–435 voucher system, 393–394
war, 466, 574–575
War of the Worlds (Welles), 584 War on Poverty program, 262 wealth, 244, 245–246, 435 Weber, Max
on authority, 426–427 background of, 17–18
on bureaucracy, 192–193 on power, 425
on religion, 471–472
social stratification, 242, 245
wedding ceremonies, 351. See also marriage
welfare, 241, 262–263
Western Electric Company study, 195 white ethnics, 300–301. See also
white-collar crime, 220–221 white-collar workers, 450, 451 “Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire,”
Whorf, Benjamin, 78
Whyte, William F., 174 Williams, Robin, 90 Wirth, Louis, 276 witch hysteria, 584 women. See females work and workplace
contingent employment, 455–456 division of labor, 155, 156, 161,
191, 316, 317, 374–375 downsizing, 455–456
dual-employed marriages, 374–375 employee rights, 448
fast food restaurant employment,
gender hierarchy, 321
Japanese model of, 423
nature of, 450–453 occupational structure, 454–455 primary relationships in, 176 Protestant ethic of, 472
social changes in, 572 surveillance, 164
technology issues, 164, 187 unemployment rates, 293
working class, 256
working poor, 256, 460–461 world population growth
demographic transition theory, 539–540
future projections, 540–541 historical, 534
Malthus theory of, 539 measurement of, 536–538 reasons for, 529
World War I, 575
World Wrestling Federation (WWF),
Yanomamo tribe, 158
youth. See adolescents
Zero Population Growth (movement), 593
zero population growth (theory), 541 Zimbardo, Philip, 144
Zwiegenhaft, Richard, 328

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