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and gender socialization, 316–318 grading of, 358
of single persons, 372–373 socialization of children, 357 style of, 258
Parsons, Talcott, 578
participant observation, 42
pastoral societies, 156
patriarchy, 349
patrilineal family arrangement, 350 patrilocal family structure, 351 patterned interactions, 9–11
Pearson, Kent, 500
peer groups, 123–124, 173, 320 People’s Temple, 476
perception, 23, 79
peripheral theory of city growth, 557,
peripheral tier, 454–455
personality, 110–113
perspective, 6, 76. See also theoretical
physical characteristics, 277
physical objects and culture, 92–93 Plains Indians, 567, 573
play stage of role taking, 118 pluralism, political, 436–439
political affiliation, 487
political institutions, 424–425, 427–431 political power
of corporations, 446–447, 449
of elderly persons, 337–338
of minority groups, 293–294, 295 models of, 435–439
voting, 433–435
of women, 325–328
political science, 7
political socialization, 434–435 polyandry, 352
polygamy, 352
polygyny, 352
popular culture, 99
popularity, 253
population. See also world population
changing demographics and social
change, 572 definition of, 39, 530
fertility rates, 531–532 migration rates, 534
mortality rates, 533–534 percentage 18 and under, 532 urban rates, 550
population control, 539, 541–544 population momentum, 541 population pyramids, 545–546
population transfer, 282 positive correlation, 52
positive deviance, 205
Positive Philosophy (Comte), 15 positivism, 14
postindustrial societies, 162–163 poverty
and death rates, 243 demographic make-up of poor,
elderly rates of, 333, 336 governmental programs, 262–263 and income inequality, 244–245 and Internet usage, 555 measurement of, 259
minority rates of, 260, 295, 296, 300 working poor, 256, 460–461
power. See also political power definition of, 27–28, 191, 425 and iron law of oligarchy, 196 minority group control, 286
and social stratification, 245–246 in sports, 507, 515, 517–518
power elite, 439
precollected information. See sec-
ondary analysis
prejudice. See also discrimination;
racism; sexism
ageism, 330–332
definition of, 284
Dubois’s research of, 22
and hate crimes, 285 Internet spread of, 289
Irish “Traveling People,” 279 learning of, 287–288
in prisons, 98
racial profiling of police, 236–237 and sociobiology, 74
stereotypes, 241, 285–286, 332,
342–343, 517, 519 theoretical perspectives, 286–288 and values, 90
presentation of self, 31
prestige, 246–247
primary deviance, 215–216
primary groups, 173–174, 214
primary relationships, 173, 174–175, 176 primary sector, 450
principles, 118–119 prisons
alternatives to, 231 counterculture of, 98 purpose of, 229–231 rates by country, 232 socialization in, 120 status in, 144–145
privacy issues, 60, 164, 228 Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, 228 private property in preindustrial
societies, 154 probation, 231
profane, 464
professional sports. See also sport
discrimination in, 514–515, 518 mass media portrayal of, 502
social identification promotion, 504 and social mobility, 513
violence in, 500, 505–506
for women, 518
profiling, racial, 236–237
proletariat, 16
Protestant ethic, 472
psychology, 7
Puerto Rican Americans, 294, 295. See
also Latinos
punishment, 208, 221, 227, 229–231.
See also crime; prisons “punk” counterculture, 98
qualitative research, 42 qualitative variables, 51–52 quantitative research, 38–42 quantitative variables, 51 questionnaire, 40
race and ethnicity, 276–278. See also minorities
racism. See also prejudice African American legacy of,
definition of, 284–285 Dubois’s research of, 22 in prisons, 98
and sociobiology, 74
in sports, 514–515
and values, 90
rationalization, 17–18, 193 rational-legal authority, 427 real culture, 94
reality, 79
rebellion as deviant response, 210–211 recidivism, 231
reciprocity as social exchange basis, 183 recreation, 496. See also sport redemptive movements, 593
redlining, 306
reference groups, 132, 177 reflexes, 73
reform movements in education,
reformative movements, 593
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