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boomerang kids, 379
definition of, 348–349 dual-employment in, 152, 374–375 father’s role, 384–385
future trends, 380
gender inequality in, 360 governmental policies, 326 industrialization impact, 160 Internet communication, 370 parenting issues, 258, 317–318, 357,
358, 376–377 planning of, 542–544
and political affiliation, 434
in preindustrial societies, 154–155,
as primary group, 173
role conflict, 149–152, 372, 374–375 same sex domestic partners, 378 single persons, 378–379
social status transmittal, 359
and socialization, 121, 124, 357,
structural patterns of, 350–351 and telecommuting issues, 187 theoretical perspectives, 357–361 types of, 349–350, 371–374 violence in, 367–369
Family and Medical Leave Act (1993), 326
family of orientation, 349 family of procreation, 349 family planning, 542–544 fashions, 583, 592
fast food restaurant employment, 460–461
Feagin, Joe, 298–299
fecundity, 531
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),
females. See also sexism
abuse of, 367–369
athletes’ chances of playing profes-
sional sports, 513 brain activity, 312
dual-employment family issues, 374–375
earnings vs. men, 323–324, 325 educational inequality, 413 elderly situation, 336 homelessness, 274–275 Internet-based job opportunities,
in labor force, 318, 595 political power of, 326–328 poverty rates of, 261
as single parents, 372–373
sports activity, 495, 498, 524–525
suicide rates, 331
feminism, 15, 360
feminization of poverty, 261
fertility, 531–532
fertility rates, 531–532, 540
field research, 42. See also case studies Fine, Gary Alan, 508
folkways, 83. See also norms
football, 505, 514–515, 524–525
Ford Motor Company, 283
foreign competition, 455–456
formal organizations, 190
formal sanctions, 87–88
formal schooling, 390
for-profit schools, 395
fraternal orders, membership in, 193 freedom of the press, 445
friends. See peer groups
Fukuyama, Francis, 162–163, 572 functionalism
ageism, 330–331
definition and assumptions of,
deviance, 209–212, 220 education, 396–398, 411
families, 357–359, 361
gender roles, 316, 319
hate crimes, 285
Internet, 28–29
political power, 436–439 prejudice and discrimination, 286,
religion, 467–470, 473
social change, 578–579
social interaction, 186
social stratification, 250, 252 social structure, 150 socialization process, 115–116 sport, 504–506, 509 urbanization, 551
fundamentalism, 485–487, 488
Galileo, 54
Gallup Poll, 39
game stage of role taking, 118 gangs, 222–223, 558
gemeinschaft, 160
gender identity, 310–315, 342–343 gender inequality. See sexism
gender roles, 156, 160, 316–320, 321,
410, 524–525
gender socialization, 317–320 generalized other, 119 genocide, 281–282
gentrification, 554
Germany. See Nazi Germany gesellschaft, 160
Givens, Beth, 228
Glock, Charles, 479
Goffman, Erving, 31, 216
golf, 518
“goth” counterculture, 98
Goulden, Joseph C., 445
graphs and tables, reading of, 48–49 Gray Panthers, 338
Greece (ancient), 516
Griffin, John Howard, 42
gross migration rate, 534
group behavior, 9–10
group pressure, 188–189
groups, 171–175, 177–179, 181–186,
190–196. See also collective be-
havior groupthink, 171, 185
gun control, 101 guns in schools, 149
Hagedorn, James, 558 Harlow, Harry, 111, 113 Harris, Chauncy, 559, 560 Harris, Judith, 124
Harris Poll, 39
hate crimes, 285
hate groups, 287, 289
Head Start, 407
heredity and culture, 73
Herrnstein, Richard, 405
heterogamy, 355
hidden curriculum, 122–123, 409–411 hidden unemployment, 293
high school dropout rates, 412
high school graduation rates, 389
high school reunions, 130–131
Hilts, Philip, 213
Hinduism, 466, 470, 492–493
Hirschi, Travis, 211–212
history (study of), 7
Hitler, Adolf, 246, 426–427, 430 Hochschild, Arlie, 283, 374
hockey, 500, 505–506
Holmes, Lowell, 330–331
Holocaust, 281. See also Nazi Germany Holt, John, 122
homelessness, 272–273
homogamy, 354–355
homosexuality, 378
Hopi Indians, 356
horizontal mobility, 265
horticultural societies, 155
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