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 charter schools, 394
cheating in sports, 504, 506, 507 Cherokee Indians, 282 Cheyenne Indians, 208, 573 child development, 111, 113–114 children. See also adolescents
abuse of, 367–368
as economic necessity, 359
gender identity, 311, 314
infant mortality rates, 533–534, 540 and marital happiness, 374 one-child policies, 432, 543 population distribution, 532 poverty rates of, 261 single-parenthood effects on, 373
China, 176, 354, 432, 543, 575
Chinese Americans, 297. See also Asian
Americans Christianity, 470
Chrysler, 452–453
church attendance, 483
churches, 475, 484
cities, 548, 549, 550–554, 556–560
Civil Rights Act (1964), 326
civil rights movement, 596
class conflict, 16. See also social classes class consciousness, 254
cloning, 474
close-ended questions, 40–41
clothing as status designation, 249 Coakley, Jay J., 496
coercion, 184, 425
cognitive ability, 404–406
cohabitation, 375, 378
collective behavior
crowds, 586–589, 596 definition of, 581–582 fads, 583
fashions, 583
mobs, 587
research issues, 581–582 riots, 586
rumors, 582, 589
social movements, 591–596 summary of, 591
urban legends, 582–583
collectivity, 581
college activism, 594–595
college entrance exams, 401–403 color-coding, 236–237
Columbine High School, 125–126, 180 communism, 444
compensatory education, 407 competition, 400, 440, 455–456 computers, 112, 162, 264, 283, 408. See
also Internet
Comte, Auguste, 14–15
concentric zone theory of city growth,
556–557, 559, 560 conflict
Challenger space shuttle disaster, 171
definition of, 181–182
of family roles, 149–152, 372,
minority vs. majority group, 281–282 religious, 466
and social change, 574–575
social class, 16
conflict perspective
ageism, 331–332
coercion, 184
definition and assumptions of, 27–29 deviance, 218–221
education, 400–407, 411 families, 360, 361
gender roles, 316–317, 319 hate crimes, 285
Internet, 28–29
political power, 436, 437, 439 prejudice and discrimination,
religion, 470–472, 473
social change, 579–580
social interaction, 186
social stratification, 250–251, 252 social structure, 150
socialization process, 115–116, 117 sport, 507, 509
urbanization, 551
conformity Anglo-, 280
definition of, 184–185
to norms, 206–207, 210 primary group pressures, 174 reasons for, 10–11
Confucianism, 470
conglomerates, 447
consensus, 17, 26
Conspiracy Nation magazine, 590 contagion theory of crowd behavior,
contingent employment, 455–456 control theory of deviance, 211–212 conventional crowds, 586 conventional social wisdom, 11 convergence theory of crowd
behavior, 588–589
Cooley, Charles Horton, 30, 116 cooperation, 181, 183 cooperative learning, 391
core tier, 454
corporations, 446–449
correlation, 52–53
counterculture, 98
courtship, 353–356, 362
Cowgill, Donald, 330–331
crime. See also punishment; violence
among Cheyenne, 208
control of, 227, 229–232
of hate, 285
identity theft, 228
juvenile, 226–227 measurement of, 224–227
race and ethnicity relationship,
218–219 rates of, 206
white collar, 220–221
criminal justice system, 227
crowds, 584–588, 591, 596
crude birth rate, 531
crude death rate, 533
Cuban Americans, 294–295. See also
cults, 476–479, 593
cultural bias of intelligence testing, 405–406
cultural diversity, 98 cultural particulars, 100–101 cultural pluralism, 281 cultural relativism, 80 cultural universals, 100–102 culture
and behavior, 94
beliefs of, 92
change of, 95–97
definition of, 72–73
diversity of, 98
ethnocentrism of, 98, 100, 278 and heredity, 73
and language, 77–79
norms of, 81–88
and perspective, 76
and physical objects, 92–93 school transmittal of, 396–397 and social change, 570 sociobiologist views, 74–75 sport as reflection of, 497–498 universals of, 100–102
values of, 89–91
and violence, 106–107 Czechoslovakia, 444
Dahrendorf, Ralf, 579–580 Dakota Indians, 573
de facto segregation, 282 de jure segregation, 282
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