Page 2 - Bella Vista Gardens Newsletter Winter 2021
P. 2




                                                                A warm welcome to all our new residents and
                                 From Sarina                    families. Over the last few months, we have had some
                                                                changes with visiting and requirements for social
                                                                leave, so I thought it was a good idea to go over the
             Winter is coming, and with it, the colder          current requirements:
             temperatures. Please be sure that your
             loved one has enough warm clothing and             Visiting
             that it is clearly labelled. We have an area
             where we can hold all unlabelled clothing.         We have re-introduced Visitor Access Codes again
             If you would like to have a look through           (please see Reception if you need this code) and
             these items, please contact reception              opened our basement carpark. However, in order to
             during the week or Lara, from                      do this, we ask all visitors to please ensure you scan
             housekeeping, on Saturday mornings. As             the QR Code with your mobile camera and complete
             per our resident handbook, we keep all             the screening form with each entry to the residence.
             items for a period of a month and then             To enter Reception and the basement lobby you need
             donate these to charity.                           a different daily access code which is provided to you
                                                                under the Green tick. Take your temperature and
             Thankfully, the visitor's restrictions are         record it on the digital screening form and sign-in to
             easing across NSW, and you may be                  our paper Visitor Register. When you leave, please
             considering joining your loved one for a           sign-out of our paper Visitor Register as we need to
             meal. We have an online ordering system            know when you leave for emergency situations and
             whereby you can order what you want,
             directly from our daily menu. Please               contact tracing purposes.
             contact our Client Services Team to have           Social Leave
             you set up, if you are not already, and
             note that we need at least 48 hours                We would appreciate notice of any social leave as
             advance notice. Our new Executive Chef,            soon as possible. Please advise intended social leave
             Grenville has been busy working with the           via this link
             kitchen team over the last few weeks and 
             has become a familiar face in the                  external-outing/, all social leave is automatically
             residence. He is always checking in with           approved.
             our residents and happy to receive
             feedback.                                          This will enable us to ensure that your loved one is
                                                                ready when you arrive. If you are planning to pick up
             As always, if you have any concerns or             your loved one earlier in the day, we can arrange for
             queries, please do not hesitate to contact         them to have an early breakfast, rather than rushing
             us. I look forward to seeing more visitors         them so you can leave.
             throughout the residence and until next
             time, be happy and stay safe.
                                                                Alison Thiele
                                                                Client Services Manager

             Sarina Rodgers
             Residential Services & Relations Manager
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