Page 2 - BVG Newsletter Summer 2021_FINAL
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                                 News                           Welcome everyone especially our new families. We

                                                                are very excited to have you as a part of the Bella
                                 From Ushani                    Vista Gardens family and I look forward to meeting
                                                                you face to face over the next few months.
             The warmer weather has finally arrived, and
                                                                Evidence of Resident Vaccinations
             the grounds at Bella Vista Gardens look
             beautiful and lush after the rain received         As we have now opened up and our residents are able
             during Spring and now into Summer.                 to go out on social visits, (apply here
             Christmas is just around the corner and  
             Bella Vista Gardens is busy getting dressed
                                                                external-outing/) you may be requested to provide
             up for the festive season. We are working          evidence of vaccination for your loved one. This can
             closely with our landscapers to get the
                                                                be obtained via Medicare the same way as you
             gardens in shape. Not only that, we have
             also organised an external building clean to       obtained your own. If this is a challenge call Australian
             make sure we are ready for the occasion in         Immunisation Register on 1800 653 809 & they will
             full. Our Leisure & Lifestyle Team has already     be able to assist.
             started decorating the residence with
             Christmas baubles and decorations. Our
             Christmas tree is here and our Sonos system        We are very excited to have our hairdresser Samantha
             is spreading beautiful Christmas music             back with us on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday each
             throughout the residence for everyone to           week.  Please contact myself or Celeste on 9672 6155
             enjoy this season.                                 and we can assist with a booking.

             Our residents’ Christmas Party was enjoyed         Christmas
             by all. Our Executive Chef and his team
                                                                With Christmas approaching we are starting to think
             provided a wonderful lunch for our
             residents. Due to the current restrictions,        of gifts for our loved ones. As the weather starts to
                                                                warm up and we are starting our bus trips again, a
             were unable to invite guests, however, I can
             assure you that there will be plenty of            new hat for outings may be appreciated.  I’d just like
             Christmas cheer around Bella Vista Gardens         to remind you that any clothing will need to be
             for our residents to enjoy. Our Client             labelled to ensure that the new items find their way
             Services team is happy to assist you in            back to their rightful owners after laundering.  Also, if
             organising hair services if you want to get        you buy any electrical devices they will need to be
             ready for the season. As we enter into this        tested and tagged prior to their usage.
             magical season, the best present that one
             can hope for this year is good health. Best        Regards,
             wishes for a joyous Christmas and a New
             Year filled with love, happiness, and              Alison Thiele
                                                                Client Services Manager

             Ushani Jayawardhana
             Residential Services & Relations Manager
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