Page 6 - BVG Newsletter Summer 2021_FINAL
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Meet David Lawrence
David was born in Wentworth in 1939 and used to his application as he was the type of individual ANU
live in Mt Wilson west of Sydney. David came to were after, detailing his work at Oxford. David
Bella Vista Gardens in May 2020. He is the father of returned to Australia, moving to University House
Samantha and Michael. Grandfather of John and at ANU to commence his fellowship, living among
Jerome. David loves watching sports such as cricket, professors, fellows and research students. This is
tennis, and rugby. David enjoys watching movies, where David met his lovely wife Jeannette, a
especially titles from the 1960’s and 70’s. His research student. David and Jeannette were
favourite reading material is National Geographic married in 1971. As Jeannette completed her thesis
magazine and his favourite beverage is Sauvignon at ANU, David was involved in purchasing the latest
Blanc from New Zealand. He enjoys playing Team computer for the university – a Univac 1108. He
Trivia and has had a remarkable academic career. was then offered a job by the sales manager at CSA.
David has four degrees, including a DPhil in Physics While working at CSA David completed another
from Oxford University. degree, an MBA. David, his wife Jeannette and his
two children have ten university degrees between
David spent his first years in Wentworth, the them. David spent thirty years working for CSA and
second youngest of four brothers. He moved to Citibank; working in risk management, finance and
Sydney when he was six years of age. In sixth grade as an investment banker. He was transferred from
David won a fully paid scholarship to King’s School. Sydney to London. At Citibank he implemented a
David had six successful years at Kings, obtaining new valuation system to replace the archaic one in
the form prize every year, the top student award. use. This system was introduced to all London
David left Australia when he was eighteen to study businesses, later throughout the bank and the bank
Natural Science at Cambridge University in England regulator as well. David would travel around the
under a scholarship. After completing his studies in world running a five-day training course in well over
three years, he visited a Professor at Oxford one hundred cities throughout Europe, Africa, the
University. David did not qualify for a scholarship Middle East and Asia. David also spent many years
being an Australian student. However, the Professor teaching risk management and wrote a book on
offered David a job in the Nuclear Physics financial risk management.
Laboratory in 1961. While working in computing in
the laboratory David was able to start working on Upon retirement David and Jeannette returned to
his thesis on Nuclear Physics. David worked on the Australia after twenty-one years in London to their
first online machines in the laboratory and home in Mt Wilson. They continued to work on
completed his thesis over five years. David stayed their scenic garden which is special to David and
on after his DPhil being very involved in computing. stands as a legacy to Jeanette. David is a gentleman
with a wonderful life story and is a valued member
Finishing up at Oxford, David applied for a of the community at Bella Vista Gardens.
fellowship at ANU in Canberra. He was successful in