Page 20 - New Knowledge book_2__08 Sep 2016_page rearrange.indd
P. 20
12. Leafy World
Leaves are of different shapes. The leaves of some trees are
needle shaped, while some have tiny hairs like leaves, some are
broad, while some are short. But it is true we can identify plants
from their leaves.
Here are given some leaves. Identify them and write their names with the
help of help box.
1 2 3 4
Plants 5 6 7 8
Personal opinion Personal opinion
Fact fi le! Help box
Do you like the chutney The leaf of pitcher
prepared from coriander plant looks like a Peepal, coconut,
and mint leaves? pitcher They are tulsi, rose, mint,
_____________________ actually traps witch pine, banana,
_____________________ capture insect . mango
New Knowledge book_2__08 Sep 2016_page rearrange.indd 20 11/15/2016 12:25:52 PM