Page 18 - New Knowledge book_2__08 Sep 2016_page rearrange.indd
P. 18

Envelope Making

                   Homemade envelopes add a personal touch to any greeting or
                         thank you card, and they are also a fun and easy craft.

                                                             Step 1:
                                                             Fold a standard-sized piece of paper into

                                                             four halves. An easy way to do this is folding
                                                             the paper into half, and then folding it into
                                                             half again. After you fold the paper, unfold
                                                             it, and you will see the outline of the four


                 Step 2:                                            Step 3:
                 Cut the paper into two halves.                     Fold the two halves of paper into

                                                                    two rectangles.

                 Step 4:                                            Step 5:
                 Tape together the open left and                    Fold down the top to make a flap.

                 right sides.

                                                                                  Now your
                                                                                  envelope is


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