Page 14 - New Knowledge book_2__08 Sep 2016_page rearrange.indd
P. 14

8. Transport Terms

                           There are too many terms associated with transport. Let us

                           know about some of them.


            It is enclosed structure

            designed to hold aircrafts
            It protects aircraft from
            weather     .


                                                                    It is an underground passage
                                                                    It is completely enclosed
       World                                                        on all sides except for the

                                                                    opening at each end


            It is a place where ships
            take shelter from the
            weather or are loded and
            unloded with goods           .


                                                                      It is a tunnel or passage

                                                                      under a road or railway
                                                                      It enables pedestrians to
                                                                      cross a road or railway           .


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