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New Knowledge is a series of eight general knowledge books for classes 1-8. The
series has completely new and have the knowledge of different segments of life. We
have done our best to construct the content and information at the level of folks. The
General knowledge book at this level is not only mean for information but also give a
footprint about the society and culture.
This series has three interactive and informative elements on each page. For class
1 to 2 we have given personal opinion on each page. This interactive box help to find the
like and dislike of the child. In class 3 to 5 we have given life values. This interactive box
feeds the values in young minds. In class 6 to 8 we have given our duties. This interactive
box will guide the young minds about their duties and responsibilities towards family
and society.
The chapter in each book has been design in a manner to give information in a
way that same time folks can check their knowledge. These books have such type of
interesting knowledge which enhances the thinking of folks. We are not interesting to
giving a hefty knowledge to young minds but giving knowledge in such a way they can
understand and enjoy it. We have included single liner fact file on pages where they
have required.
We have touched every field of life. Books cover the topics on plants, animals,
culture, sport, science, world, India, space, defense, economy, polity, environment,
life skills and also the values, which is the essential part of our knowledge system.
We have also included different assessment tools in each book. We have included
different types of question in these books like fill up, true and false, matching, MCQs,
picture based questions and traditional questions answers. At the end of each book
we have included sample evaluation papers also.
We invite principal, teachers, students and parents to keep in touch with the
author on regular basis. You could send your suggestions and requests for updates and
more things which you have required by emailing at
New Knowledge book_2__08 Sep 2016_page rearrange.indd 3 11/15/2016 12:24:56 PM