Page 142 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 142
142 Radiopharmacy | Progress Report
Radiopharmacy facility infrastructure management
Figure 11 - New freeze dry production facility Figure 14 - New Radiopharmacy Center electrical supply cabin
Figure 12 - New freeze dryers Figure 13 New Radiopharmaceutical consumables warehouse
The Radiopharmacy Facility Infrastructure cal cGMP production) and RDC-70 (which re-
Management at the Radiopharmacy Center fers to radiopharmaceutical registry), the CR
is in charge to support and make the arrange- has been developing and managing several
ments for the radiopharmaceutical production projects. From 2014 to 2016, the projects be-
following the cGMP standards which includes low were accomplished:
activities such as project management, main-
tenances programs, New freeze dry pro-
consumables stor- duction facility (Fig-
age and support to ure 11) with 2 news
public procurements. freeze dryers; -that
In order to fulfill the can quadruple the
cGMP standards and current lyophilized
sanitary regulations kits production (Fig-
required by ANVISA ure 12).
(Brazilian Health Sur-
veillance Agency) by New Radiopharma-
the public resolutions ceutical consumables
RDC-63 (which refers warehouse (Figure
to radiopharmaceuti- Figure 15; - New R&D laboratory 13) and Center elec-
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares