Page 281 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 281

Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle | Progress Report  281

               en in respect to sample preparation, consid-   the multipurpose reactor fuels. In order to
               ering the huge difference of atomic number     meet the demand for the reactors, a new man-
               of silicon and uranium and its consequences    ufacturing plant with a maximum capacity of
               on X-ray scattering and phase quantification.   60 fuels per year has been designed, which is
               The study includes comminution of uranium      currently ten. The increase in production will

                                                                                  Figure 37.  X-ray diffraction pattern of
                                                                                uranium silicide sample, and calculated
                                                                                 diffractogram by the Rietveld Method.

               silicide compositions by hydration, automat-   consequently increase the volume of effluents
               ic grinding and mortar and pestle.             generated. The current concern with the en-
                                                              vironment makes it necessary to elaborate a
               Analysis and Management of                     management plan to make the process sus-
               Effluents Produced in the Nuclear              tainable, which will lead to environmental,
               Fuel Production Process                        economic and social benefits. The production

                                                              process of the fuel generates several types of
               Brazil, with the purpose of becoming self-suf-  effluents - containing uranium or not - being
               ficient in the production of radioisotopes and   solid, liquid and gaseous with varied physi-
               radioactive sources used in nuclear medicine,   cal and chemical characteristics. This activity
               agriculture and the environment, has devel-    analyses the fuel manufacturing process to
               oped the project of a multipurpose reactor of   characterize and quantify the generated efflu-
               30 megawatts of power to meet the national     ents. The objective is to elaborate a manage-
               demand. At IPEN, the Centro de Combustível     ment plan to deal with and to discard them
               Nuclear (CCN) is responsible for manufactur-   responsibly in the environment.
               ing fuels for the IEA-R1 reactor and, possibly,
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