Page 276 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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276 Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle | Progress Report
2016 Instrumenta- Acquisition of 3 new chambers (fis- Concluded.
tion and Con- sion, compensated ionization and
trol System non-compensated ionization) to be
used as instrumentation of the elec-
tronic circuit for monitoring the
power and safety of the reactor.
2016 Monitor- IPEN Meteorological Tower for data Reformed and re-
ing system acquisition for studies of radioac- positioned, in con-
tive dissipation in case of accidents junction with the
with release of fission products. CEN / IPEN tech-
nical team.
2016 Communica- Telephone facilities of the re- Reform concluded.
tion System actor building.
2016 Electric Sys- Acquisition of a new Moto Gen- Waiting for in-
tem erator of 220 Volts and pow- stallation.
er of 230 kVA, to replace an equip-
ment that has been operating since
1974, whose maintenance is dif-
ficult due to lack of spare part.
Training program sipated energy, reactor core data, chemical
Besides of the internal operator retraining and physical characteristics of the pool wa-
program, it was started the training of eight ter, radioisotopes concentration in the pool
new operators. water, number of reactor shutdown, number
of irradiated samples in the reactor core and
Maintenance program pneumatic system and, finally, the radiopro-
An extensive program of testing, preventive tection data.
maintenance and calibration was carried out
to assure performance and reliable measures Management system
by equipments and systems related to reactor Since 2002(,) the Quality Management System
operation and control. that supports the scope “Operation and Main-
tenance of the IEA-R1 Reactor and Irradiation
Monthly activity report Services” was certified by Fundação Carlos Al-
A report containing the activities and moni- berto Vanzolini in compliance with NBR ISO
tored and controlled operational parameters 9001, being submitted to annual internal and
of the reactor are issued monthly. This report external reevaluation.
encloses the number of reactor operation, dis-
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares