Page 274 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 274
274 Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle | Progress Report
Development of a Calorimeter for / MB-01 Reactor (Project completed, elabo-
Determination of Heat of Decay rating the RAS).
of Irradiated Fuel Elements
• Technical support for the CNAAA meteoro-
This line of research has the objective of de- logical system (environmental and nuclear
signing, designing and developing a calorim- licensing documentation and for civil engi-
eter for the measurement of the decay heat neering studies).
of plate type fuel elements of the IEA-R1 re-
actor and of the mini fuel rods to be irradiat- • Technical support for INB’s meteorological
ed in the CAFE circuit of the CTMSP. system (commissioning documentation for
environmental and nuclear licensing).
• Technical support for the IRD meteorologi-
cal system (analysis and monitoring of data
for the IAEA)
• Technical support for the IPEN meteorologi-
cal system (analysis and monitoring of data
Figure 30. Setup for experiments with thermoelectric modules.
for IEA-R1 and licensing of IPEN facilities).
Main services developed by Nuclear • Technical support for the RMB meteorolog-
Engineering Center (CEN) ical system (data analysis and monitoring,
environmental and nuclear licensing).
• Follow-up of the Angra 3 Piping and Pipe
Support Mechanical Project .
• CGRC / DRS / CNEN - Support for the evalu-
ation of civilian projects of Angra 3 and Na-
val Base .
• NEA / OECD Activities: Experiments car-
ried out in the IPEN / MB-01 reactor for IRPhE
(International Reactor Physics Benchmarks
Experiments); Benchmarks in subcritical sys-
tems - ICSBEP (International Criticality Safety
Benchmark Evaluation Project) Benchmarks
with Mo rods.
• Participation in IAEA activities - Benchmarks
in the production of 99Mo in the reactor
IPEN / MB-01.
• Participation in the RMB project - Design and
Design of the reactor-type core of the IPEN
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares