Page 363 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 363

Nuclear Safety | Progress Report  363

               a three-D visualization of the content of the   costs with relatively high efficiency.
               drums in terms of radionuclides present and
               their respective concentrations.

               The system operates in continuous and pro-
               grammable mode, and allows the number of
               measurements, operation time and the axi-
               al positioning of the detector relative to the
               drum to be preset.

               The calibration of efficiency of the system
               used four standard drums with different den-
               sities that mock up actual waste drums: com-
               pressed paper, water, sand and concrete. Five
               water-equivalent solid standards containing
                                                              Figure 5 – Gamma Scanning System developed by GRR
               Eu-152 were prepared in rod geometry with
               density of 1.15
                                                              Biosorption of thorium from aqueous
               The acquisition of data and the interpretation   solutions by hydroxyapatite.
               of results of the operation of the system use
               computational algorithms based on the Monte    Bone meal is a biological material that reunites
               Carlo Method and Artificial Neural Networks    low cost and efficiency. It is a natural material
               to characterize radioactive waste drums reli-  that contains large amount of calcium phos-
               ably and efficiently.                          phate, in the form of hydroxyapatite. Studies
                                                              with hydroxyapatite showed that this materi-
               Biosorption of heavy-metal ions and            al is efficient in removing heavy metals from
               radionuclides from aqueous solutions.          polluted soils due to their ability to adsorb
                                                              molecules and can be used to remove radio-
               In the recent years, there is an increasing in-  nuclides from liquid aqueous solutions, as liq-
               terest in the application of biological materi-  uid radioactive waste generated in many ac-
               als for the removal of heavy metal ions from   tivities. In the work done by GRR, bone meal
               aqueous solutions. The biosorption is a tech-  purchased in local market was chopped and
               nique that uses biological material on remov-  sieved to obtain particle sizes between 0.125
               al of metals. A variety of biological materials,   and 0.297 mm. Batch biosorption experiments
               such as agriculture residues, bacteria, algae,   were performed to determine the metal uptake
               among others, proved to be efficient biosor-   capacity and equilibrium time. Fixed concen-
               bents. The use of these materials is attrac-   trations of thorium solutions were prepared
               tive and advantageous because they are in-     by dissolving thorium nitrate in distillate wa-
               expensive in comparison with commercial        ter. The bone meal suspended in 5 mL of tho-
               adsorbents. Biosorption shows great potential   rium solutions in a ratio of 0.2% w/v was left
               among many possible techniques for treating    in contact during different times: 0.5, 1, 2 and
               radioactive liquid waste since it is capable of   4 hours. After the contact time, the bone meal
               decontaminating large volumes of waste con-    was removed by filtration and the superna-
               taining low concentrations of metals at low    tant, analyzed by inductively coupled plasma
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