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430   Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report

               COURROL, LILIA C. Liquid biopsy of atheroscle-  VARGAS, REINALDO A.; BONTURIM, EVER-
               rosis using protoporphyrin IX as a biomarker.   TON; ANDREOLI, MARCO; CHIBA, RUBENS;
               Analyst, v. 139, n. 6, p. 1383-1388, 2014.     SEO, EMILIA S.M. Physical and microstructur-
                                                              al characterization of cathode composite cath-
               SOUZA, J.P.; MARTINELLI, J.R. Evaluation of alu-  ode and electrolyte ceramics to ITSOFC. Mate-
               minosilicate glass sintering during differential   rials Science Forum, v. 775-776, p. 52-56, 2014.
               scanning calorimetry. Ceramics Internation-
               al, v. 41, p. 7296-7301, 2015.                 VIOLIN, KALAN B.; GOIA, TAMIYE S.; ISHIKA-
                                                              WA, KUNIO; BRESSIANI, JOSE C.; BRESSIANI,
               SOUZA, LANARCK C.M.; SANTOS, THIAGO A.;        ANA H. de A. Manufacturing of porous ceram-
               PRADO, CASSIO R.A. do; LIMA, BENEDICTO A.V.;   ic spheres using calcium phosphates by a me-
               CORREA, RODRIGO S.; BATISTA, ALZIR A.; OTU-    chanical method without additives or binders.
               BO, LARISSA; ELLENA, JAVIER; UENO, LEON-       Advances in Science and Technology, v. 87, p.
               ARDO T.; DINELLI, LUIS R.; BOGADO, ANDRE       113-117, 2014.
               L. Influence of gold nanoparticles applied to
               catalytic hydrogenation of acetophenone with   VIOMAR, ALINE; TERADA, MAYSA; COSTA, ISOL-
               cationic complexes containing ruthenium. RSC   DA; RODRIGUES, PAULO R.P.; SCHLINDWEIN,
               Advances, v. 6, p. 53130-53139, 2016.          CLAUDIA; BANCZEK, EVERSON do P. Corro-
                                                              sion protection in sulfate medium by self-as-
               SPAGNOL, CRISTIANE; BANCZEK, EVERSON do        semb films adsorbed on AA 2024 T3 alumini-
               P.; COSTA, ISOLDA; CUNHA, MAICO T.; GALLINA,   um alloy surface. Revista Materia, v. 20, n. 2,
               ANDRE L.; TUSSOLINI, MARTHA; RODRIGUES,        p. 420-435, 2015.
               PAULO R.P. Corrosion characterization of phos-
               phated carbon steel treated with benzotriazole.   VISENTINI, VIRGILIO R.S.; ZARPELON, LIA M.C.;
               Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, v. 62,   FARIA JUNIOR, RUBENS N. Self-discharge and
               n. 6, p. 379-387, 2015.                        microstructure of supercapacitors tested at
                                                              room temperature and at 333 K. Materials Sci-
               TAKIISHI,  HIDETOSHI;  GENOVA,  LUIS  A.;      ence Forum, v. 802, p. 427-432, 2014.
               Use of dopants for thoria sintering tempera-   EXANDRE O.; SILVA, ADRIELLI C.P.; IVASSECH-
               ture reduction-characterization of THO2. Jour-  EN, JANAINE do R.; SCHNEIDER, JOSE F.; SAEKI,
               nal of Energy and Power Engineering, v. 10,    MARGARIDA J.; PEDROSA, VALBER A.; YOSHITO,
               n. 12, p. 740-745, 2016.                       WALTER K.; COLAUTO, FABIANO; ORTIZ, WIL-
                                                              SON A.; CASTRO, GUSTAVO R. Synthesis of mes-
               UENO, FABIO R.; KIDO, HUELITON W.; GRANI-      oporous silica-coated magnetic nanoparticles
               TO, RENATA N.; GABBAI-ARMELIN, PAULO R.;       modified with 4-amino-3-hydrazino-5-mercap-
               MAGRI, ANGELA M.P.; FERNANDES, KELLY R.;       to-1,2,4-triazole and its application as Cu(II) ad-
               SILVA, ANTONIO C. da; BRAGA, FRANCISCO J.C.;   sorbent from aqueous samples. Applied Sur-
               RENNO, ANA C.M. Calcium phosphate fibers       face Science, v. 367, p. 533-541, 2016.
               coated with collagen: In vivo evaluation of the
               effects on bone repair. Bio-Medical Materials   XAVIER, MARCOS D.; LIMA, NELSON B. de;
               and Engineering, v. 27, n. 2-3, p. 259-273, 2016.  PLAUT, RONALD L.; SCHON, CLAUDIO G. Strain
                                                              path dependence of the FLC(0) formability pa-

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