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432   Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report

               Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle

               ABE, ALFREDO; GIOVEDI, CLAUDIA; GOMES,         nology Innovations in Renewable Energy, v.
               DANIEL de S.; TEIXEIRA e SILVA, ANTONIO. Re-   3, p. 214-220, 2014.
               visiting stainless steel as PWR fuel rod clad-
               ding after Fukushima daiichi accident. Jour-   ALY,  OMAR  F.;  MATTAR  NETO,  MIGUEL;
               nal of Energy and Power Engineering, v. 8, p.   SCHVARTZMAN, MONICA M.A.M.; LIMA, LU-
               973-980, 2014.                                 CIANA I.L. Compared modeling study of pri-
                                                              mary water stress corrosion cracking at dis-
               ALCANTARA, RAQUEL R.; MUNIZ, RAFAEL O.R.;      similar weld of alloy 182 of pressurized wter
               FUNGARO, DENISE A. Full factorial experimen-   nuclear reactor  according to hydrogen concen-
               tal design analysis of Rhodamine B remov-      tration. Journal of Disaster Research, v. 10, n.
               al from water using organozeolite from coal    4, p. 641-646, 2015.
               bottom ash. International Journal of Energy
               and Environment, v. 7, n. 5, p. 357-374, 2016.  AMATO LOURENCO, LUIS F.; MOREIRA, TIANA
                                                              C.L.; SOUZA, VANESSA C. de O.; BARBOSA JU-
               viewed software methodology to stress corro-   PAULO H.N.; MAUAD, THAIS. The influence of
               sion prediction. Innovations in Corrosion and   atmospheric particles on the elemental con-
               Materials Science, v. 6, p. 27-32, 2016.       tent of vegetables in urban gardens of Sao Pau-
                                                              lo, Brazil. Environmental Pollution, v. 216, p.
               ALY,  OMAR  F.;  MATTAR  NETO,  MIGUEL;        125-134, 2016.
               SCHVARTZMAN, MONICA M de A.M. A meth-
               odology for modeling stress corrosion crack-   AMBROGI, JESSICA B.; AVEGLIANO, ROSEANE
               ing with an example. International Journal     P.; MAIHARA, VERA A. Essential element con-
               of Mechanical Engineering and Automation,      tents in food groups from the second Brazil-
               v. 1, n. 1, p. 1-10, 2014.                     ian total diet study. Journal of Radioanalyt-
                                                              ical and Nuclear Chemistry, v. 307, n. 3, p.
               ALY,  OMAR  F.;  MATTAR  NETO,  MIGUEL;        2209-2216, 2016.
               SCHVARTZMAN, MONICA M de A.M. Prelimi-
               nary stress corrosion cracking modeling study   ANDREA, V.; OLIVEIRA, P.S.P.; SANTIAGO, E.I.;
               of a dissimilar material weld of alloy (Inconel)   LINARDI, M. The impact of the operational pa-
               182 with stainless steel 316 in pressurized wa-  rameters on the PEM fuel cell long-term per-
               ter nuclear reactor. Journal of Technology In-  formance. ECS Transactions, v. 71, n. 1, p. 233-
               novations in Renewable Energy, v. 3, p. 221-   238, 2016.
               226, 2014.
                                                              ANGELO, EDVALDO; ANGELO, GABRIEL; SAN-
               ALY,  OMAR  F.;  MATTAR  NETO,  MIGUEL;        TOS, PEDRO H. di G.; ANDRADE, DELVONEI A.
               SCHVARTZMAN, MONICA M de A.M.; LIMA, LU-       de. Numerical study of the influence of ele-
               CIANA I.L. Modeling of tests of primary water   ments inside the wheelhouse on the passen-
               stress corrosion cracking of alloy 182 of pres-  ger vehicle aerodynamic. Open Journal of Flu-
               surized water reactor according to EPRI and    id Dynamics, v. 5, p. 199-207, 2015.
               USNRC recommendations. Journal of Tech-

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