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436   Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report

               A.W.; ROSSI, L.M. The influence of 1,2-alkane-  WHITE, SHANE; D’AMOURS, MICHEL; YORIYAZ,
               diol on the crystallinity of magnetite nanopar-  HELIO; BEAULIEU, LUC; RENIERS, BRIGITTE;
               ticles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic      VERHAEGEN, FRANK. The use of tetrahedral
               Materials, v. 417, p. 49-55, 2016.             mesh geometries in Monte Carlo simulation
                                                              of applicator based brachytherapy dose dis-
               FABIANO, KAREN C.; LIMA, ANA P.S.; VASCON-     tributions. Physics in Medicine and Biology,
               CELLOS, MARINA B.A.; MOREIRA, EDSON G.         v. 59, n. 19, p. 5921-5935, 2014.
               Contribution to food safety assurance of fish
               consumed at São Paulo city by means of trace   FONSECA, GABRIEL P.; RENIERS, BRIGITTE;
               element determination. Journal of Radioana-    LANDRY, GUILLAUME; WHITE, SHANE; BELLEZ-
               lytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v. 309, n. 1, p.   ZO, MURILLO; ANTUNES, PAULA C.G.; SALES,
               383-388, 2016.                                 CAMILA P. de; WELTEMAN, EDUARDO; YORI-
                                                              YAZ, HELIO; VERHAEGEN, FRANK. A medical
               FALCAO, RAILSON B.; DAMMANN, EDGAR             image-based graphical platform-Features, ap-
               D.C.C.; ROCHA, CLAUDIO J. da; ICHIKAWA, RO-    plications and relevance for brachytherapy.
               DRIGO U.; DURAZZO, MICHELANGELO; MARTI-        Brachytherapy, v. 13, n. 6, p. 632-639, 2014.
               NEZ, LUIS G.; LEAL NETO, RICARDO M. Synthe-
               sis of TiFe compound from ball milled TiH(2)   FONSECA, GABRIEL P.; TEDGREN, ASA C.; RE-
               and Fe powders mixtures. Materials Science     NIERS, BRIGITTE; NILSSON, JOSEF; PERSSON,
               Forum, v. 802, p. 61-65, 2014.                 MARIA; YORIYAZ, HELIO; VERHAEGEN, FRANK.
                                                              Dose specification for (192)Ir high dose rate
               FAVARO, D.I.T.; ALEGRE, G.F.; BORRELY, S.I.; VU-  brachytherapy in terms of dose-to-water-in-
               KAN, W.; VIEIRA, A.S.; OLIVEIRA, S.M.B. Major   medium and dose-to-medium-in-medium.
               and trace element assessment of Tietê river    Physics in Medicine and Biology, v. 60, n. 11,
               sediments, São Paulo, Brazil. Journal of Ra-   p. 4565-4579, 2015.
               dioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v. 299,
               n. 1, p. 797-805, 2014.                        FONSECA, GABRIEL P.; VIANA, RODRIGO S.S.;
                                                              PODESTA, MARK; RUBO, RODRIGO A.; SALES,
               V.; SOUZA, JOSE A.B. de; ANTUNES, RENATO A.;   LIO; VERHAEGEN, FRANK. HDR (192)Ir source
               LIMA, NELSON B. de; RAMANATHAN, LALGUDI        speed measurements using a high speed vid-
               V. Effect of processing on microstructure and   eo camera. Medical Physics, v. 42, n. 1, p. 412-
               corrosion mitigating properties of hydrotal-   415, 2015.
               cite coatings on AA 6061 alloy. Materials Re-
               search, v. 18, n. 6, p. 1203-1208, 2015.       FRANKLIN, R.L.; SILVA, S.A.; FAVARO, D.I.T.; LU-
                                                              IZ-SILVA, W. Trace and some rare earth ele-
               FONSECA, G.P.; LANDRY, G.; RENIERS, B.; HOFF-  ments distribution in a sediment profile from
               MANN, A.; RUBO, R.A.; ANTUNES, P.C.G.; YORI-   Jurumirim Reservoir, São Paulo State, Brazil:
               YAZ, H.; WERHAEGEN, F. The contribution from   total content and extracted phases. Journal
               transit dose for (192)Ir- HDR brachytherapy    of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry,
               treatments. Physics in Medicine and Biolo-     v. 309, n. 1, p. 439-451, 2016.
               gy, v. 59, n. 7, p. 1831-1844, 2014.
                                                              FRANKLIN, ROBSON L.; FAVARO, DEBORAH I.T.;

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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