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Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report  443

               BRIELA. Mid-late pleistocene OSL chronology    SANTOS, JOSE O.; REIS, MICHAEL S.; MUNITA,
               in western Amazonia and implications for the   CASIMIRO S.; SILVA, JOSE E. Box-cox transfor-
               transcontinental Amazon pathway. Sedimen-      mation on dataset from composition studies
               tary Geology, v. 330, p. 1-15, 2015.           of archaeological potteries. Journal of Radio-
                                                              analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v. 311, n.
               SAIKI, M.; SANTOS, J.O.; ALVES, E.R.; GENEZINI,   2, p. 1427-1433, 2016.
               F.A.; MARCELLI, M.P.; SALDIVA, P.H.N. Correla-
               tion study of air pollution and cardio-respira-  SANTOS, JOSE O.; REIS, MICHAEL S.; MUNITA,
               tory diseases through NAA of an atmospheric    CASIMIRO S.; SILVA, JOSE E. Box-cox transfor-
               pollutant biomonitor. Journal of Radioana-     mation on dataset from composition studies
               lytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v. 299, n. 1, p.   of archaeological potteries. Journal of Radio-
               773-779, 2014.                                 analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v. 311, n.
                                                              2, p. 1427-1433, 2016.
               SALIBA SILVA, A.M.; LINARDI, M.; ROCHA, L. dos
               S.; DURAZZO, M. Thorium-234 electrodeposi-     SANTOS, S.C.; ACCHAR, W.; YAMAGATA, C.;
               tion using ionic and aqueous uranyl solutions.   MELLO CASTANHO, S. Yttria nettings by col-
               ECS Transactions, v. 66, n. 21, p. 11-20, 2015.  loidal processing. Journal of the European Ce-
                                                              ramic Society, v. 34, n. 10, p. 2509-2517, 2014.
               T. de; DURAZZO, MICHELANGELO. Uranium          SCHOUERI, R.M.; DOMIENIKAN, C.; TOLEDO,
               electrodeposition using direct potential tech-  F. de; ANDRADE, M.L.G.; STANOJEV PEREIRA,
               nique in less acidic aqueous media. ECS Trans-  M.A.; PUGLIESI, R. The new facility for neu-
               actions, v. 61, n. 24, p. 1-8, 2014.           tron tomography of IPEN-CNEN/SP and its po-
                                                              tential to investigate hydrogenous substanc-
               SANTOS, A. dos; ANDRADE e SILVA, G.S.; MURA,   es. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, v. 84, p.
               L.F.; FUGA, R.; JEREZ, R.; MENDONCA, A.G. Three   22-26, 2014.
               heavy reflector experiments in the IPEN/MB-01
               Reactor: stainless steel, carbon steel and nickel.   SENA, C.; COSTA, M.S.; MUNOZ, E.L.; CABRERA
               Nuclear Data Sheets, v. 118, p. 568-570, 2014.  PASCA, G.A.; PEREIRA, L.F.D.; MESTNIK FILHO,
                                                              J.; CARBONARI, A.W.; COAQUIRA, J.A.H. Charge
               SANTOS, ADIMIR dos; DINIZ, RICARDO. The        distribution and hyperfine interactions in the
               evaluation of the effective kinetic parameters   vicinity of impurity sites in In(2)O(3) doped
               and reactivity of the IPEN/MB-01 reactor for   with Fe, Co and Ni. Journal of Magnetism and
               the international reactor physics experiment   Magnetic Materials, v. 387, p. 165-178, 2015.
               evaluation project. Nuclear Science and Engi-
               neering, v. 178, p. 459-478, 2014.             SILVA, MARCIA A. da; VALGODE, FLAVIA G.S.;
                                                              GONZALEZ, JULIA A.; YORIYAZ, HELIO; GUI-
               SOARES, EMILIO A.A. Provenance studies in      BUCHPIGUEL, CARLOS A.; BARTOLINI, PAOLO;
               amazon basin by means of chemical compo-       OKAZAKI, KAYO. Cytotogenic and dosimetric
               sition obtained by INAA. Journal of Radio-     effects of (131)I in patients with differentiat-
               analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v. 306, p.   ed thyroid carcinoma: comparison between
               713-719, 2015.                                 stimulation with rhTSH and thyroid hormone
                                                              withdrawal treatments. Radiation on Envi-
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