Page 445 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report  445

               ZAGATTO, V.A.B.; OLIVEIRA, J.R.B.; ALLEGRO,    ZAHN, G.S.; OLIVA, J.W.M.; GENEZINI, F.A. Re-
               P.R.P.; CHAMON, L.C.; CYBULSKA, E.W.; ME-      print of: Half-life determination for short-lived
               DINA, N.H.; RIBAS, R.V.; SEALE, W.A.; SILVA,   radioisotopes (52)V, (66)Cu and (28)Al. Radi-
               C.P.; GASQUES, L.R.; ZAHN, G.S.; GENEZINI,     ation Physics and Chemistry, v. 95, p. 47-49,
               F.A.; SHORTO, J.M.B.; LUBIAN, J.; LINARES, R.;   2014.
               TOUFEN, D.L.; SILVEIRA, M.A.G.; ROSSI JUNIOR,
               E.S.; NOBRE, G.P. ‘gamma’-particle coincidence   ZAHN, GUILHERME S.; GENEZINI, FREDERICO
               technique for the study of nuclear reactions.   A.; SECCO, MARCELLO; TICIANELLI, REGINA
               Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics     B.; FIGUEIREDO, ANA M.G. Can robust statis-
               Research, v. 749, p. 19-26, 2014.              tics aid in the analysis of NAA results? Jour-
                                                              nal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemis-
               ZAGATTO, V.A.B.; OLIVEIRA, J.R.B.; ALLEGRO,    try, v. 306, n. 3, p. 607-610, 2015.
               P.R.P.; CHAMON, L.C.; CYBULSKA, E.W.; ME-
               DINA, N.H.; RIBAS, R.V.; SEALE, W.A.; SILVA,   ZAMBONI, C.B.; KOVACS, L.; METAIRON, S.; AZE-
               C.P.; GASQUES, L.R.; ZAHN, G.S.; GENEZINI,     VEDO, M.R.A.; FURHOLZ, C.F.; UCHIDA, M.C.
               F.A.; SHORTO, J.M.B.; LUBIAN, J.; LINARES, R.;   Blood elements concentration in cyclists in-
               TOUFEN, D.L.; SILVEIRA, M.A.G.; ROSSI JUNIOR,   vestigated by instrumental neutron activa-
               E.S.; NOBRE, G.P. ‘gamma’-particle coincidence   tion analysis. Journal of Radioanalytical and
               technique for the study of nuclear reactions.   Nuclear Chemistry, v. 309, n. 1, p. 45-51, 2016.
               Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics
               Research, v. 749, p. 19-26, 2014.              ZAMBONI, C.B.; METAIRON, S.; KOVACS, L.;
                                                              MACEDO, D.V.; RIZZUTTO, M.A. Determination
               ZAGATTO, V.A.B.; OLIVEIRA, J.R.B.; GASQUES,    of Fe in blood using portable X-ray fluorescence
               L.R.; ALCANTARA NUNEZ, J.A.; DUARTE, J.G.;     spectrometry: an alternative for sports med-
               AGUIAR, V.P.; MEDINA, N.H.; SEALE, W.A.;       icine. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nucle-
               PIRES, K.C.C.; FREITAS, A.; LUBIAN, J.; SHOR-  ar Chemistry, v. 307, n. 3, p. 1641-1643, 2016.
               TO, J.M.B.; GENEZINI, F.A.; ROSSI JUNIOR, E.S.
               Elastic and inelastic angular distributions of   ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; METAIRON, SABRINA;
               the (7)Li+(120)Sn system for energies near the   SATO, IVONE M.; RIZZUTTO, MARCIA A. New
               Coulomb barrier. Journal of Physics G: Nu-     strategy to evaluate the effectiveness of nwe
               clear and Particle Physics, v. 43, p. 055103-1 -   treatments using animal models. Review of
               055103-13, 2016.                               Applied Physics, v. 3, p. 40-43, 2014.

               AGUIAR, V.P.; MEDINA, N.H.; SEALE, W.A.;       ZUTTO, MARCIA A. Determination of iron con-
               PIRES, K.C.C.; FREITAS, A.; LUBIAN, J.; SHOR-  tent in whole blood in different mouse strains
               TO, J.M.B.; GENEZINI, F.A.; ROSSI JUNIOR, E.S.   using a portable XRFS spectrometer. Journal
               Elastic and inelastic angular distributions of   of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v.
               the (7)Li+(120)Sn system for energies near the   309, n. 1, p. 333-336, 2016.
               Coulomb barrier. Journal of Physics G: Nu-
               clear and Particle Physics, v. 43, p. 055103-1 -
               055103-13, 2016.
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