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Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report  459

               amazon basin by means of chemical compo-       SANTOS, WILLIAM S.; NEVES, LUCIO P.; PETRINI,
               sition obtained by INAA. Journal of Radio-     ANA P.; BELINATO, WALMIR; CALDAS, LINDA
               analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v. 306, p.   V.E.; CARVALHO JUNIOR, ALBERICO B.; MAIA,
               713-719, 2015.                                 ANA F. Exposures in interventional radiology
                                                              using Monte Carlo simulation coupled with
               SANTOS, JOSE O.; REIS, MICHAEL S.; MUNITA,     virtual anthropomorphic phantoms. Physica
               CASIMIRO S.; SILVA, JOSE E. Box-cox transfor-  Medica, v. 31, p. 929-933, 2015.
               mation on dataset from composition studies
               of archaeological potteries. Journal of Radio-  SANTOS, WILLIAM S.; VALERIANO, CAIO C.S.;
               analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v. 311, n.   BELINATO, WALMIR; NEVES, LUCIO P.; PERINI,
               2, p. 1427-1433, 2016.                         ANA P.; MAIA, ANA F.; CALDAS, LINDA V.E. Cal-
                                                              culation of conversion coefficient for effective
               SANTOS, S.C.; YAMAGATA, C.; ACCHAR, W.;        dose to patient and physician in intervention-
               MELLO-CASTANHO, S.R.H. Yttria nettings by      al cardiology procedure using the Monte Car-
               replica processing. Materials Science Forum,   lo Mehod. Austin Journal of Radiology, v. 2,
               v. 798-799, p. 687-690, 2014.                  n. 3, p. 1-5, 2015.

               MELLO CASTANHO, S.R.H. Processing and ther-    F. de; ANDRADE, M.L.G.; STANOJEV PEREIRA,
               moluminescent response of porous biomorphic    M.A.; PUGLIESI, R. The new facility for neu-
               dysprosium doped yttrium disilicate burner.    tron tomography of IPEN-CNEN/SP and its po-
               Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 177, p.    tential to investigate hydrogenous substanc-
               505-511, 2016.                                 es. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, v. 84, p.
                                                              22-26, 2014.
               SANTOS, S.C.; YAMAGATA, C.; CAMPOS, L.L.;
               MELLO CASTANHO, S.R.H. Bio-prototyping and     SENA, C.; COSTA, M.S.; MUNOZ, E.L.; CABRERA
               thermoluminescence response of cellular rare   PASCA, G.A.; PEREIRA, L.F.D.; MESTNIK FILHO,
               earth ceramics. Journal of the European Ce-    J.; CARBONARI, A.W.; COAQUIRA, J.A.H. Charge
               ramic Society, v. 36, p. 791-796, 2016.        distribution and hyperfine interactions in the
                                                              vicinity of impurity sites in In(2)O(3) doped
               SANTOS, S.C.; YAMAGATA, C.; CAMPOS, L.L.;      with Fe, Co and Ni. Journal of Magnetism and
               MELLO-CASTANHO, S.R.H. Processing, micro-      Magnetic Materials, v. 387, p. 165-178, 2015.
               structure and thermoluminescence response
               of biomorphic yttrium oxide ceramics. Ceram-   SILVA, J.O.; NONATO, F.B.C.; CALDAS, L.V.E. Char-
               ics International, v. 42, n. 11, p. 13291-13295,   acterizations tests of a homemade ionization
               2016.                                          chamber in mammography standard radia-
                                                              tion beams. Radiation Physics and Chemis-
               SANTOS, WILLIAM S.; NEVES, LUCIO P.; PERI-     try, v. 95, p. 151-153, 2014.
               NI, ANA P.; CALDAS, LINDA V.E.; MAIA, ANA F.
               Evaluation of the medical and occupational     SILVA, N.C.; BOSSEW, P.; FERREIRA FILHO, A.L.;
               shielding in cerebral angiography using Mon-   CAMPOS, T.F.C.; PEREIRA, A.J.S.C.; YOSHIMU-
               te Carlo simulation and virtual anthropomor-   RA, E.M.; VEIGA, L.H.S.; CAMPOS, M.P.; ROCHA,
               phic phantoms. Radiation Physics and Chem-     Z.; PASCHUK, S.A.; BONOTTO, D.M. Towards a
               istry, v. 117, p. 83-87, 2015.                 brazilian radon map: consortium radon Brazil.
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