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464   Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report

               Renewable Energies

               AHMED,  Z.;  MATOS,  B.R.;  FLORIO,  D.Z.  de;   392-396, 2014.
               REY, J.F.Q.; SANTIAGO, E.I.; FONSECA, F.C. Na-
               fion-mesoporous silica composite electrolyte:   ASSUMPCAO, M.H.M.T.; SILVA, S.G. da; SOUZA,
               properties and direct ethanol fuel cells perfor-  R.F.B. de; BUZZO, G.S.; SPINACE, E.V.; SANTOS,
               mance. Materials for Renewable and Sustain-    M.C.; NETO, A.O.; SILVA, J.C.M. Investigation of
               able Energy, v. 5, n. 2, p. 1-5, 2016.         PdIr/C electrocatalysts as anode on the perfor-
                                                              mance of direct ammonia fuel cell. Journal of
               ALVES, DIEGO C.B.; FONSECA, FABIO C.; BRAN-    Power Sources, v. 208, p. 129-136, 2014.
               LAUTO, ANDRE S. Temperature dependence of      ASSUMPCAO, MONICA H.M.T.; PIASENTIN, RI-
               the electrical properties of hydrogen titanate   CARDO M.; HAMMER, PETER; SOUZA, RODRI-
               nanotubes. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 16,   GO F.B. de; BUZZO, GUILHERME S.; SANTOS,
               n. 18, p. 184307-1 - 184307-6, 2014.           MAURO C.; SPINACE, ESTEVAM V.; OLIVEIRA
                                                              NETO, ALMIR; SILVA, JULIO C.M. da. Oxidation
               ALVES, LUCAS C.; SEO, EMILIA S.M. Solid waste   of ammonia using PtRh/C electrocatalysts:
               characterization from galvanic process for an   fuel cell and electrochemical evaluation. Ap-
               environmental economic evaluation. Engen-      plied Catalysis B: Environmental, v. 174-175,
               haria Sanitária e Ambiental, v. 19, n. 4, p. 423-  p. 136-144, 2015.
               434, 2014.
                                                              ASSUMPCAO, MONICA H.M.T.; SILVA, SIRLANE
               ANDREA, V.; OLIVEIRA, P.S.P.; SANTIAGO, E.I.;   G. da; SOUZA, RODRIGO F.B. de; BUZZO, GUIL-
               LINARDI, M. The impact of the operational pa-  HERME S.; SPINACE, ESTEVAM V.; OLIVEIRA
               rameters on the PEM fuel cell long-term per-   NETO, ALMIR; SILVA, JULIO C.M. Direct ammo-
               formance. ECS Transactions, v. 71, n. 1, p. 233-  nia fuel cell performance using PtIr/C as an-
               238, 2016.                                     ode electrocatalysts. International Journal of
                                                              Hydrogen Energy, v. 39, p. 5148-5152, 2014.
               ANTONIASSI, R.M.; OTUBO, L.; VAZ, J.M.; OL-
               IVEIRA NETO, A.; SPINACE, E.V. Synthesis of Pt   AUGUSTO, BRUNO L.; NORONHA, FABIO B.;
               nanoparticles with preferential (1 0 0) orien-  FONSECA, FABIO C.; TABUTI, FRANCISCO N.;
               tation directly on the carbon support for Di-  COLMAN, RITA C.; MATTOS, LISIANE V. Nick-
               rect Ethanol Fuel Cell. Journal of Catalysis, v.   el/gadolinium-doped ceria anode for direct
               342, p. 67-74, 2016.                           ethanol solid oxide fuel cell. International
                                                              Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v. 39, p. 11196-
               ASSUMPCAO, M.H.M.T.; NANDENHA, J.; BUZ-        11209, 2014.
               ZO, G.S.; SILVA, J.C.M.; SPINACE, E.V.; OLIVEI-
               RA NETO, A.; SOUZA, R.F.B. The effect of eth-  BONIFACIO, RAFAEL N.; OLIVEIRA NETO, AL-
               anol concentration on the direct ethanol fuel   MIR; LINARDI, MARCELO. Comparative anal-
               cell performance and products distribution: a   ysis between mass and volume of catalysts
               study using a single fuel cell/attenuated total   as a criterion to determine the optimal quan-
               reflectance - fourier transform infrared spec-  tity of nafion ionomer in catalysts layers. In-
               troscopy. Journal of Power Sources, v. 253, p.   ternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v.

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