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Scientific and Technical Production | Progress Report  465

               40, n. 6, p. 2840-2849, 2015.                  BALOG, S. Small-angle X-ray neutron scatter-
                                                              ing study of Nafion-SiO(2) hybrid membranes
               BONIFACIO, RAFAEL N.; OLIVEIRA NETO, AL-       prepared in different solvent media. Journal of
               MIR; LINARDI, MARCELO. Influence of the rel-   Power Sources, v. 274, p. 560-567, 2015.
               ative volumes between catalyst and nafion
               ionomer in the catalyst layer efficiency. Inter-  ESPOSITO, VINCENZO; DE, WEI N.; MARANI,
               national Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v. 39,    DEBORA; TEOCOLI, FRANCESCA; THYDEN,
               p. 14680-14689, 2014.                          KARL T.S.; FLORIO, DANIEL Z. de; FONSECA,
                                                              FABIO C. Accelerated ceria zirconia solubiliza-
               BRANDALISE, MICHELE; TUSI, MARCELO M.;         tion by cationic diffusion inversion at low ox-
               SPINACE, ESTEVAM V.; OLIVEIRA NETO, ALMIR.     ygen activity. Journal of Materials Chemistry
               Pd-based electrocatalysts prepared by borohy-  A, v. 4, n. 43, p. 16871-16878, 2016.
               dride reduction method for methanol and eth-
               anol electro-oxidation in alkaline medium. Ma-  FONTES, E.H.; PIASENTIN, R.M.; AYOUB, J.M.S.;
               terials Science Forum, v. 869, p. 987-991, 2016.  SILVA,  J.C.M.  da;  ASSUMPCAO,  M.H.M.T.;
                                                              SPINACE, E.V.; NETO, A.O.; SOUZA, R.F.B. de.
               BUZZO, G.S.; RODRIGUES, A.C.B.; SOUZA, R.F.B.   Electrochemical and in situ ATR-FTIR studies
               de; SILVA, J.C.M.; BASTOS, E.L.; SPINACE, E.V.;   of ethanol electro-oxidation in alkaline me-
               NETO, A.O.; ASSUMPCAO, M.H.M.T. Synthesis      dium using PtRh/C electrocatalysts. Materi-
               of hydroquinone with co-generation of electric-  als for Renewable and Sustainable Energy,
               ity from phenol aqueous solution in a proton   v. 4, n. 3, 2015.
               exchange membrane fuel cell reactor. Catal-
               ysis Communications, v. 59, p. 113-115, 2015.  FONTES, E.H.; SILVA, SIRLANE G. da; SPINACE,
                                                              E.V.; NETO, A.O.; SOUZA, R.F.B. de. In situ ATR-
               CRISAFULLI, R.; ANTONIASSI, R.M.; OLIVEIRA     FTIR studies of ethanol electro-oxidation in
               NETO, A.; SPINACE, E.V. Acid-treated PtSn/C    alkaline medium on PtRh/C electrocatalyst
               and PtSnCu/C electrocatalysts for ethanol elec-  prepared by an alcohol reduction process. Elec-
               tro-oxidation. International Journal of Hydro-  trocatalysis, v. 7, n. 4, p. 297-304, 2016.
               gen Energy, v. 39, n. 11, p. 5671-5677, 2014.
                                                              FREIRE, LUCIANA S.; ANTOLINI, ERMETE; LI-
               WON-HEE; GITTLESON, FORREST S.; NEJATI,        PASSOS, RAIMUNDO R. Influence of operation-
               SIAMAK; MOY, ERIC; REID, CANDY; CARMO,         al parameters on the performance of PEMFCs
               MARCELO; LINARDI, MARCELO; BORDEENITHI-        with serpentine flow field channels having dif-
               KASEM, PUNNATHAT; KINSER, EMILY; LIU,          ferent (rectangular and trapezoidal) cross-sec-
               YANHUI; TONG, XIAO; OSUJI, CHINEDIUM O.;       tion shape. International Journal of Hydro-
               SCHROERS, JAN; MUKHERJEE, SUNDEEP; TAY-        gen Energy, v. 39, n. 23, p. 12052-12060, 2014.
               LOR, ANDRE D. Guided evolution of bulk me-
               tallic glass nanostructures: A plataform for de-  GERALDES, ADRIANA N.; SILVA, DIONISIO F. da;
               signing 3D electrocatalytic surfaces. Advanced   ANDRADE e SILVA, LEONARDO G. de; SPINACE,
               Materials, v. 28, p. 1940-1949, 2016.          ESTEVAM V.; OLIVEIRA NETO, ALMIR; SANTOS,
                                                              MAURO C. dos. Binary and ternary palladium
               DRESCH, M.A.; MATOS, B.R.; FONSECA, F.C.;      based electrocatalysts for alkaline direct glyc-
               SANTIAGO, E.I.; CARMO, M.; LANFREDI, A.J.C.;   erol fuel cell. Journal of Power Sources, v. 293,
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