Page 51 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report  51

               Figure 6. MCz and Epitaxial
               silicon diodes on a ceramic
               base and the PMMA probes.
                                                  Dosimetry Systems

                                                  Industrial Dosimetry in Radiation Processing

                                                  Reliable absorbed-dose measurements traceable to rec-
                                                   ognized national and international dosimetry standards
                                                  play an important role in radiation processing. In all elec-
                                                   tron and gamma radiation processes dosimetry, it is re-
                                                   quired as a necessary quality control, to establish the
                                                  process and for research and development studies. The
                                                  Industrial Dosimetry Laboratory (IDL) is in charge of a
                                                  wide range of dosimetry activities covering the conven-
                                                   tional scope of radiation processing applications and the
                                                   development of new products and services. The dosime-
                                                   try procedures are carried out in agreement with the In-
                                                   ternational Organization for Standardization (ISO) and
                                                  American Society Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard
                                                  guides and practices. To establish reliable dosimetry sys-
                                                   tems, the IDL has participated of the intercomparisons of
                                                  gamma dose measurements, organized by Internation-
                                                   al Dose Assurance Service (IDAS) offered by the Interna-
                                                   tional Agency Energy Atomic (IAEA). Fricke solution has
                                                  been used as reference standard and alanine as trans-
                                                   fer standard dosimeters. Absorbed-dose measurements
                                                  in the products are carried out using polymethylmetac-
                                                  rylate (PMMA) as a routine dosimetry system provided
                                                  by Harwell Dosimeters Ltd. - UK, certified by the Interna-
                                                   tional Dose Assurance Service (IDAS) of the International
                                                  Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the alanine dosimetry
                                                   system to increase the functional dose range. Addition-
                                                   ally, the radiochromic thin film FWT-60 and the Cellulose
                                                  Triacetate Film – CTA dosimeters are available for specif-
                                                  ic applications.
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