Page 53 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 53
Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report 53
be obtained offline via integration of the cur-
rent signals as a function of the exposure
time. As expected, it was observed a negligi-
ble current sensitivity decay for accumulat-
ed doses less than 1,5 MGy. For higher dos-
es, damage effects on electrical properties of
the diodes rose up the dark currents with the
accumulated doses and the sensitivity decay
reached almost 10%. As a consequence, the
correspondent dose-response curves were not
linear being fitted by a second order polyno-
mial function. So far, the results evidenced
that MCz diodes are substantially tolerant to
radiation damage assuring their potential use
for high-dose processing dosimetry. It still re-
mains to be dwindled the damage produced
on both the entrance window and the walls
of the dosimetric probe. Researches on this
matter are under way.