Page 95 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 95

Biotechnology | Progress Report  95

               A work was also carried out in collaboration   tion and characterization of human prolactin
               with The Agency for Agribusiness Technolo-     and its analogs in a research laboratory scale.
               gy of Piracicaba (SP) testing different commer-  In this period, the receptor antagonist G120R-
               cial preparations of equine chorionic gonado-  hGH was developed. A publication in “Protein
               tropin (eCG) concerning ovarian stimulation    Expression and Purification” (Menezes ACSC
               in cattle (Alvarez RH et al., 2016).           et al., 2017) describes the synthesis and char-
                                                              acterization of G120R-hGH secreted into bac-
               Pirarucu (Araipama gigas)                      terial periplasm and obtained with a vector
               pituitary gonadotropins                        based on a constitutive lambda PL promoter.

                                                              This antagonist can be useful for studies aim-
               Araipama gigas (pirarucu) is a giant fish na-  ing at investigating the effects of a simultane-
               tive to the Amazon River basin that can reach   ous inhibition of GH and prolactin signaling, as
               up to 2 meters in length and in weigh up to    a potential anti-tumoral or anti-diabetic com-
               150 Kg. This species is in danger of disappear-  pound. Studies related to glycosylated hPRL
               ing because of the exploitation by the fishing   (G-hPRL) were published in Journal of Biotech-
               industry and increasing human presence. It     nology (Capone MN et al., 2015). The N-glycan
               is largely used for food and extractivism and   structures present in native pituitary G-hPRL
               commercial breeding is still incipient. In the   were determined and compared with those
               last period (2011-2013), our research group    present in the recombinant hormone. To ob-
               has isolated, from the pituitaries, and charac-  tain recombinant G-hPRL, genetically modified
               terized the cDNA of the α-subunit of A. gigas   Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) adapted to
               (ag) gonadotropins (FSH and LH), carrying out   growth in suspension were treated with cyclo-
               also a phylogenetic analysis based on its amino   heximide, thus increasing the glycosylation
               acid sequence. During this period (2014-2016),   site occupancy from 5.5% to 38.3%, thereby fa-
               the cDNAs of ag-FSHα and ag-LHα-subunits       cilitating G-hPRL purification. N-Glycan profil-
               have been isolated, characterized and phylo-   ing proved to be a useful and accurate method-
               genetically analysed. These results, including   ology also for monosaccharide determination,
               a three dimensional comparative modeling of    molecular mass and carbohydrate content de-
               ag-FSH and ag-LH, were submitted to publica-   termination for the two G-hPRL preparations,
               tion and are under revision by the Journal Plos   in good agreement with the values obtained
               One. The biotechnological synthesis of these   directly via MALDI-TOF-MS.
               hormones, useful for physiology and fertility
               applications, will be carried out with basis on   Cellular response to
                                                              ionizing radiation
               these isolated genes.
               Prolactin (PRL)                                Ionizing radiation is a physical agent known to

                                                              induce mutation and cancer, being also used
               Prolactin is a 23 kDa protein hormone secret-  as a widespread therapeutic modality for can-
               ed by the anterior pituitary. Its therapeutic use   cer treatment. Thus, one of the challenges in
               is still limited, while it is important for diag-  radiobiology and oncology is to understand
               nostic applications such as prolactinomas, in-  how the cells respond to radio-induced stress
               fertility and tumorigenesis. In the context of   because of exposure to radiation and its out-
               recombinant hormone production, the group      comes. The group, aiming to assess radio-in-
               has been developing the expression, purifica-  duced cytogenetic damage/mutagenesis has
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