Page 96 - 00. Complete Version - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 96

96   Biotechnology | Progress Report

                                                               Figure 2.  a-d) Scatter plots of MN events from CHO-K1 cells
                                                               irradiated up to 16 Gy using a 60Co source. e) Plot of re-
                                                               sults. Positive control (MTMC, mitomycin C) and dos-
                                                               es from 4 to 16 Gy caused MN induction on cells.

               developed studies focusing some interlinked    and clonogenic potential. A third aspect (ther-
               aspects. The objective of the cytogenetic con-  apeutic approach) consists in evaluating the
               sists of a comparative study of the effects of   cytogenetic effects of radiopharmaceuticals
               different radiation types and radionuclides    used in nuclear medicine, e.g. 131I, adminis-
               of medical interest (153Sm, 177Lu, 131I, 18F,   tered to patients with differentiated thyroid
               68Ga), in human and rodent cells, by cytoge-   carcinoma (DTC), with or without the use of
               netic and biochemical techniques. The sec-     recombinant human thyrotropin (ThyrogenR
               ond aspect of our study consists in the estab-  or rhTSH) (project approved by FAPESP), was
               lishment of dose-response curves for different   carried out in collaboration with the Nuclear
               types of radiation (α, α and neutron) for bio-  Medicine Center of FMUSP. A study also using
               logical dosimetry (dosimetric aspect) direct-  human thyroid cancer cells (WRO) was pub-
               ed to the quantitative estimate of absorbed    lished for comparing the radiosensitivity be-
               dose, according to the criteria adopted by IAEA   tween target cells of radioiodine (thyroid cells)
               (2001). The calibration curves for the α radi-  and peripheral lymphocytes of patients with
               ation of 60Co and 137Cs, for the α radiation   DTC. Included in this research area is also a col-
               of 90Sr and for fission neutrons produced in   laboration study joining researchers from the
               the Reactor R1 of IPEN-CNEN/SP have already    Centers of Biotechnology and Radio pharma-
               been established by assessment of chromo-      cy and the Biosintesis Laboratory for pre-clin-
               some aberrations, micronucleus and comet       ical trials of radiopharmaceuticals produced
               assays An improved in vitro micronucleus as-   at the Radiopharmacy Center (IPEN-CNEN/
               say for biological dosimetry was introduced    SP). This work was supported by an institu-
               in our laboratory utilizing fluorescent stain-  tional grant, and the final results were pub-
               ing technique on human tumor cells (MCF-7)     lished. After these achievements, our Labora-
               treated with a nitric oxide inhibitor and irra-  tory is currently working on a flow-cytometry
               diated (60Co). This showed that nitric oxide in-  based methodology to micronucleus scoring,
               hibition could be a radio sensitizing approach   with some relevant results (Fig. 2). This im-
               in tumor therapy, increasing radio induced     provement will reduce dramatically the du-
               genotoxic damage and reducing cell viability   ration of genotoxicity studies.

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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