Page 482 - Manual Of SOP
P. 482

Countervailing Duty Investigations

                     market access presumed to flow from a bound tariff reduction is undercut
                     by subsidization.

               20.21  Countervailing Duties are the import measures, imposed to offset the
               adverse effects of concessions and/or subsidies granted by the government of an
               exporting country to its exporters/ manufacturer. This duty is typically referred to
               as countervailing duty (“CVD”) or anti-subsidy duty. Imposition of a countervailing
               duty is an attempt to bring the imported price of subsidized goods to its true market
               price, and thus provide a level playing field to the importing country’s producers.
               Taken as a whole, the main object and purpose of the  SCM Agreement  is to
               increase and improve the GATT disciplines relating to the use of both subsidies and
               countervailing measures .
               20.22  In terms of Rule 19 of the CVD Rules, countervailing duty investigation, is
               carried out to examine the following to reach a conclusion for recommendation
               of duty which if levied, would be adequate to remove the injury to the domestic

               (i)   Subsidization: whether imports of PUC from the subject country/countries
                     are subsidized and the nature and quantum of such subsidy;
               (ii)   Injury: whether there is a material injury or a threat of material injury to an
                     industry established in India or whether there is a material retardation to the
                     establishment of an industry in India; and
               (iii)   Causal link: whether subsidized imports are causing this injury, taking into
                     account the principle laid down in Annexure I of the Rules.



               20.23  An application, pursuant to Rule 6 read with Rule 2(b) of the CVD Rules,
               has to be filed by or on behalf of domestic industry in India representing major
               proportion of total domestic production of the like product. No investigation shall
               be initiated if the domestic producers expressly supporting the application account
               for less than twenty-five percent of the total production of the like product .
               14  Panel Report, Brazil – Export Financing Programmes for Aircraft, WTO Doc. WT/DS46/AB/R, (Apr. 14, 1999).
               15  Customs Tariff (Identification, Assessment and Collection of Countervailing Duty on Subsidized Articles and for
               Determination of Injury) Rules, 1995, Rule 6(3) (India).

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