Page 484 - Manual Of SOP
P. 484

Countervailing Duty Investigations

                 5.    Audited financial statements and cost audit reports for the injury period including
                 6.    Costing Formats from A to L relating to NIP/ Capital Employed Calculations along
                       with soft copy of all relevant excel working sheets, as prescribed for Anti-dump-
                       ing investigations
                 7.    In case of new units not having completed four years since the commencement
                       of commercial production – The project report or any other similar document.
                 8.    Transaction wise DGCI&S import data as obtained in terms of Trade Notice
                       07/2018 dated 15  March, 2018
                 9.    List of Products produced/sold by DI, which are subject to existing Trade Reme-
                       dial Measures.
                 10.   Details of alleged Subsidies (including Grants and Concessions), along with sup-
                       porting documents and evidences and, if possible, their respective amounts
                 11.   Details of Injury and Injury margin,
                 12.   Causal link between the subsidized imports and the alleged injury
                 13.   Complete details of Related Parties
                 14.   Details of PUC Imports by the DI from all the countries

               20.30  In terms of Rule 6(3)(b) of the CVD Rules, the application has to be examined
               for the accuracy and adequacy of the information/data prior to initiation of the
               Investigation . It is necessary that each actionable scheme alleged by the applicant
               should be substantiated or supported by the evidence thereof.

               20.31  The Authority should examine the details of any earlier investigation on the
               same PUC for ADD. The details of the working of the ADD case for the said PUC
               should be duly referred to and taken into account in the CVD investigation.

               20.32  The Rule 6 (5) of the CVD Rules provides as follows:

                     “The Designated Authority shall notify the government of the exporting
                     country before proceeding to initiate an investigation .”
               20.33  Article 13 of SCM Agreement gives detailed guidelines and makes
               it mandatory for an Investigating Authority to notify the exporting country
               government for pre-initiation consultation after receipt of application to arrive at

               18  See Panel Report, China – Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Duties on Grain Oriented Flat-Rolled Electrical Steel
               from the United States, WTO Doc. WT/DS414/R, (June 15, 2012).
               19  Please refer to Para XX of Chapter 24 for WTO Jurisprudence.

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