Page 573 - Manual Of SOP
P. 573
Manual of OP for Trade Remedy Investigations
provisions of theADA as they may apply for the Member in question not later than
the date of its entry into ADA.
23.5 Article 18.5 of ADA makes it mandatory for each Member Country to
inform the Committee on Anti-Dumping practices of any changes in its laws
and regulations relevant to the ADA and in the administration of such laws and
23.6 The ADA obliges WTO Members to submit several types of notifications to
the Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices (“ADP Committee”). Except where a
notifying Member specifically requests the contrary, all notifications are issued as
unrestricted documents and are fully accessible to the public. These notifications
are available from Documents online link-
23.7 Notification of any action by the investigating authority: (such as
initiation, preliminary determination, final determination/findings and imposition of
duty) for any investigation such as Original Investigation, Sunset Reviews, Special
Circumstances Review, Mid-term review, Anti-Circumvention Investigation etc.
Article 16.4 requires the Members to report without delay all preliminary or final
actions taken. There is no specific format for these notifications. Even though the
notifications are often made by submitting the full text of a respective Member’s
public notice regarding the action, but in any event, it must contain the information
described in the guidelines adopted by the ADP Committee, which can be found in
document G/ADP/2. A list of such notifications submitted to the ADP Committee
is circulated approximately monthly as a document in the G/ADP/N… series. The
actual notifications are generally lengthy and are thus not circulated in full, although
they are made available at the WTO Secretariat for consultation by interested
23.8 Semi-annual report of actions during last 6 months: Article 16.4
requires Members to submit a report of all anti-dumping actions they have taken,
as well as a list of all anti-dumping measures in force, twice a year. These reports
are normally submitted in February, covering the period from 1 July through 31