Page 575 - Manual Of SOP
P. 575

Manual of OP for Trade Remedy Investigations

               of the three WTO languages (English, French, and Spanish). The notifications can
               be found in document series G/ADP/N/1/…, with the notifying Member Country
               identified at the end of the symbol by its three-letter ISO country code, followed by
               a number. As there may be corrections, revisions, and/or supplements to any given
               notification, the complete notification of a Member Country may include several
               documents with the same number, followed by additional letters to indicate the
               type of additional document in question. Thus, for example, the original legislation
               notification of Japan would be designated G/ADP/N/1/JPN/1. A correction to that
               document would be designated G/ADP/N/1/JPN/1/Corr.1.or G/ADP/N/1/IND/1/
               Corr in case of India.. If a new legislation or regulation, replacing that originally
               notified, were to be submitted, the next higher number in sequence would be
               used to identify the notification as replacing all previous notifications by that
               Member. Thus, if Japan were to submit a notification of a new legislation, it would
               be designated G/ADP/N/1/JPN/2. Thus, the document with the highest number,
               and any corrections, supplements, or revisions to that document, will contain the
               latest full text notification of a Member’s anti-dumping legislation and/or

               23.13  Notifications of legislation by Member Countries are subject to review in
               the ADP Committee. Such review is reflected in written questions and answers,
               which can be found in the document series G/ADP/Q1/…, again followed by the
               three-letter ISO country code and a number indicating the sequence in which the
               documents were issued. These documents are initially issued as restricted, but are
               subsequently de-restricted and become fully available to the public, six months
               after circulation, unless the concerned Member Country specifically requests for
               the contrary. Thus, for example, questions and answers regarding the notification
               of legislation of Japan would be designated G/ADP/Q1/JPN/1, G/ADP/Q1/JPN/2, and
               so on.


               23.14  Actions such as initiation, preliminary determination, final determination/
               findings and imposition of duty for any investigation: Immediate notification

               23.15  Semi-annual report of actions during previous 6 months: to be notified after
               one month of the preceding six monthly period. (Say for the July-December 2017,
               it is February 2018).

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