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ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation

               Written in February 2021, ASU Lodestar Center featured YBBBS and how we sustained our mission
                           under 2020’s pandemic restrictions. Below is an excerpt from the article.
                                    Visit to read the entire story.

                     How Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters adapted

                          to COVID-19, from letter-writing to Zoom

        By Alexandra Conforti                                                     canceled, Main said that real connections
                                                                                  are continuing to grow this year.
        Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters bears an
        important mission: Create and support                                     “We still believe in our mission and we still
        one-to-one mentoring relationships that                                   believe how important it is for the Littles to
        ignite the power and promise of youth.                                    have a mentor in their life, and if that still
                                                                                  requires them to only be able to do that
        However, when COVID-19 hit in the spring                                  from a distance, then that’s still certainly
        of 2020, donor- and volunteer-supported                                   beneficial to the child,” Main said. “We
        organizations were not immune and faced                                   hear from the Bigs all the time that they
        alarming challenges on how to adapt and                                   start out thinking that they’re providing
        add remote options.                                                       support for a child, and they find out what
                                               Little Brother Gabriel and his Big Brother Ken   an impact it makes on their lives. So that is
        Although faced with their own set of obsta-  stayed in touch through old-fashioned pen pal   something we will continue to push for.”
        cles, which they and many other nonprof-  letter-writing during the worst of COVID-19
        its shared last year in the ASU Lodestar   quarantine in 2020. Some matches were unable to   The members, leaders and mentors of
                                             meet in person and continued connecting remotely
        Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit   via Zoom, through phone calls or by writing letters.  YBBBS held their organization to high
        Innovation’s report on COVID-19 impacts,                                  standards last year to provide a safe and
        Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters found a   stays together for roughly a year, but many   comfortable atmosphere for the Littles of
        way to turn the uncertainty of the pandem-  of the matches stay together for several.  the program. The organization’s mission
        ic into a step towards innovation within                                  remains the same, and the dedication
        their operations.                    Bigs and Littles normally meet in person   to its youth stands shining despite their
                                             on a regular basis, but due to COVID,   hardships.
        “Putting our staff at home and getting   meetings between matches moved online,
        them prepared to work virtually was a huge  resulting in some mentors and children   “I think we had an eye-opener when we
        challenge,” said Erin Mabery, the executive   leaving the program, known as “match   realized that we didn’t need to be in the
        director and CEO of Yavapai Big Brothers   closures.”                     same physical space to do good work and
        Big Sisters. “We were not prepared mental-                                to connect our matches. Despite COVID
        ly and of course we really scrambled trying   YBBBS was still successful in connecting   and the restrictions, we still had people
        to accommodate.” Mabery said that the   34 virtual matches last year, bringing their   who wanted to be with their Littles and
        organization relies heavily on communica-  current total to 240.          were comfortable to do it remotely,” Robin
        tion and in-person relationships, but the                                 Layton, development director of YBBBS,
        pandemic left little room for that. Their pol-  Virtual field trips, resource and activity   said. “The big takeaway was that some-
        icies had to change “overnight” to adapt   packages for families, and a board game   thing as big as a pandemic didn’t interrupt
        to an online environment and to keep their   drive were only a few of the ways that the   our mission.”
        matches engaged.                     organization was able to bring their new
                                             virtual reality to life. Upgrades and funding   “We are part of a nationwide federation
        The YBBBS mentor-matching process    for new computers was also a huge step in   and we are not alone in the challenges. …
        begins by enrolling and interviewing the   integrating virtual meetings for staff, volun-  Stay connected with other similar organi-
        children to learn more about their family,   teers and the program’s youth.  zations and very different organizations,”
        current circumstances, personality and                                    Mabery advises other nonprofits. She said
        interests. The organization’s specialists   “In order to keep the matches alive, we   that keeping in contact with other organi-
        then figure out the needs and challenges   had to figure out how to do things virtually,”   zations has helped Yavapai Big Brothers
        of the children, and matches them with a   said Cheryl Main, administrative director   Big Sisters with innovation and can offer
        Big who has been interviewed and back-  at YBBBS. Although their annual programs   opportunities for collaboration in the
        ground-checked. A “successful match”   and in-person events have mostly been   future.
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