Page 99 - Asia & North Pacific
P. 99

Providing Fascinating Travel Experiences
  Why visit Thailand?
Between the giant megalopolis of Bangkok, the idyllic beaches of its coastline and the green landscape of the Golden Triangle around Chiang Mai, the ancient kingdom of Siam is a landmark destination for holiday makers. Land of contrast, a trip to Thailand fascinates historians with its centuries-old remains of ancient palaces and Buddhist tem- ples.
Smiles: There are few countries where the people are so welcoming and smiling. But sometimes, in the tourist areas and during the high season, stress, fatigue and difficult customers may take the smile out of the people. That'swhyit'sgoodtolearnafewwordsinThaiandtogofora stroll in the less touristic corners and discover the authentic Thailand. Temples: Thailand is also known for its beautiful Buddhist temples such as Wat Phra Singh. Buddhism is Thailand's main religion and it influences everything, including architecture and the way people interact with each other. With more than 40,000 temples in Thailand, you will surely find one that catches your eye.
Nightlife: Bangla Road in Patong, Phuket, provides unique nightlife in Thailand and is one of the many reasons people visit the country. There are many nightlife activities, clubs, concert halls, shows, cocktail bars and many night markets.
Beaches: Thailand has the best beaches in the world including Nai Thong Beach in Phuket . The beaches have warm, clear water and great views. The sea life is just spectacular, and you really have to try scuba diving to fully discover it.
Wildlife: Visit Thailand's Khao Yai National Park Thailand home to abundant wildlife in its national parks, mountains and beaches. One of the most popular national parks in Thailand is Khao Yai National Park, home to wild boars, tigers, macaques ...
Delicious food:Thefoodisnotonlydelicious,butitisnotexpensive.There are street food vendors who usually sell delicious food at very low prices. So, when you are in Thailand, you do not have to worry about spending more on food, because if you eat Thai food is affordable, even in hotels. Weather: Thailand has roughly three major seasons, all favorable to travel. A cool season, a hot (and dry) season and a rainy season. The country receives the largest number of tourists during the so-called cool season, from November to February. Tourists take advantage of the hot season to visit the beaches along the Thai coastline. During the monsoon season, Thailand becomes a popular destination for shopping, and low prices. Although each season has its advantages and disadvantages, the good thing about Thailand is that it is always hot.
  Why Thailand?
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