Page 15 - Info Magazine nr 16 february march 2021
P. 15

- taking each other into account.
        - waiting for your turn.
        These are all aspects that are so normal in music but not so normal in everyday life. The children
        learn to literally listen to each other. In this way, the wind class forms the child not only musically
        but also socially.

        What do you think is the added value of a Yamaha class band?
        Embedding hafabra education, by offering a wind band class in education, has a positive impact
        on the future of wind music. Music education, and therefore also hafabra education, also has a
        positive impact on the development of the child.
        Schools can, through the establishment of a wind class in their curriculum:
        - make a positive contribution to the general development of children through ac-tive music prac-
        - make a positive contribution to the brain development of children through active music practice;
        - Make a positive contribution to healthy breathing and the stimulation of body awareness in
        children through active music practice;
        - Ensuring that every child has the opportunity to learn to play a hafabra instru-ment;
        - Make a positive contribution to a sense of community;
        - Contribute to the development of social skills;
        - meet the core objectives of art and culture;
        - make an active contribution to talent development;
        - strengthen group spirit and discipline through making music together;
        - make a positive contribution to the future of wind music;

        The positive learning climate in the wind class results in a different attitude of the pupils towards
        the school. An example: many pupils sacrifice their break to volun-tarily play in the classroom of
        the wind band. In the wind class, the pupils and the teacher develop a common bond. Working
        together towards the same goal, such as a concert, creates a positive learning environment.
        Ensemble playing promotes cooperation and the atmosphere in a group. Pupils depend on each
        other to reach a predetermined goal together. By introducing a wind class, the Graaf Huyn College
        is raising its profile and strengthening its cooperation with the music school and club life. In this
        way, the wind class of Focus makes a positive contribution to the preservation of wind music as
        cultural heritage.

        What would you like to learn yourself?
        I would like to learn more about how to help pupils on woodwinds. Especially about the embou-
        chure and the use of the tongue in the various ways of articulation.

        Would you like to say something to your European colleagues?
        The current discussion on music education and all the proposed cuts show that it is necessary
        to think about how to deal with music and mu-
        sic education in schools. Dealing with music"
        requires the expertise of the music teacher. Pu-
        pils must have or acquire the skills to express
        themselves musically. Basic skills on an instru-
        ment are an aid to this. The integration of basic
        instrumental training in primary and sec-ondary
        schools is desirable and possible.
        I would like to get in touch with teachers who
        would like to collaborate with us. I would love
        it if our pupils could come into contact with
        pupils from other different countries and learn
        from each other.
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