Page 2 - Info Magazine nr 13 Nov 2020_Classical
P. 2

Yamaha Class Bands play together! Video Project 2.0

            Dear reader,                                                                                                           It is very important to keep all Class Band students and teachers together. Therefor we
                                                                                                                                   organize the video project 2.0.
            In these months of COVID-19 we are aware  formation about this.                                                        We asked all teachers/students in all European countries to participate and send a movie.
            of  the  difficulties  in  most  European  coun-  The last weeks we had several meetings with                          I will merge this to one video and publish this on social media / internet.
            tries. There are schools where Class Band  teachers through ZOOM and also we could                                     This time the pieces will not be that easy as last time. The students (and teachers!) have
            is not allowed at the moment and there are  see some lessons from distance! Of course                                  to practise! And in this way they will be making music again - together in a distance. Also
            schools were everything is just as normal -  it is an alternative to see the class band onli-                          senior Class Bands are asked to join again.
            with or even without special restrictions like  ne but we really hope that we can join in real                         The music will be the piece arranged for the European YCB Festival in 2019: a mix of the
            distance and cleaning. One Europe but so  in the future soon!                                                          European Anthems Te Deum (Charpentier) and final part of Symphony 9th (Beethoven).
            many differences within!
            It is a difficult time also for planning - when
            are  we  able  to organize concerts  again?  #Stay Safe and #Stay Healthy!
            When can we do exchanges again?
            We had to postpone the Teachers Congress  Kind regards,
            from Februari 2021 to November 2021. And
            now with the last developments we never  Vincent de Leur
            know if that will be possible - but let’s hope    Head Yamaha Class Band Europe
            And in spring 2023 hopefully the next Eu-
            ropean Yamaha Class Band Festival in Riva
            del Garda! It looks far away but as time flies
            we have to start organisation in time! I star-
            ted already with a new piece of music to be
            played there by all participating classes.
            This piece will also be played hopefully by
            all participating teachers at the Teachers
            Congress in November 2021.

            Most important is to stay safe and healthy
            and be careful. It is for many students a hard
            time in which they are not able to play to-
            gether as they used to. Some teachers told
            us that they are afraid of loosing students
            during these months. To keep them with us                                                                           There are class bands in Europe doing this
            we decided to launch the YCB video project                                                                          kind of projects by themselves. But this is a
            2.0! In this magazine you will find more in                                                                         minority. It is a good tool to involve the stu-
                                                                                                                                dents in a positive way. They feel responsa-
                                                                                                                                ble for their own playing and being  a part
                                                                                                                                of something with the group - although with
                                                                                                                                How to make projects like this?
                                                                                                                                You’ll need: * computer with good memory
                                                                                                                                (at least 8GB RAM and a dedicated video
                                                                                                                                card. Software like Movavie or Adobe  Pre-
                                                                                                                                miere. If you want to know more, just send
                                                                                                                                your request by email to classband@yama-
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