Page 6 - Info Magazine nr 13 Nov 2020_Classical
P. 6

What is your goal for the students partici-         had a strong belief that wind instrument or-                         Cooperation in the Netherlands with Foundation
          pating in the Class Band?                           chestras play only at funerals and parades. It
          AVELI:                                              is essential to promote wind instrument music
          My first and foremost goal is to create the  and studies.                                                                                  ‘More Music in the Classroom’
          wish to make music in the students. As well
          to make the students wish to work together                                                                             In the Netherlands there is a foundation with Queen Maxima
          and strive for a shared purpose. Even if in the                                                                        as honorable chairman which has its goal in bringing music
          beginning the students don’t seem to know                                                                              education to every primary school in the Netherlands. Sup-
          how to appreciate the joy and effort that is put                                                                       ported by  the ministry of Education, Culture and Science and
          in, it is visible that as the time goes by, there                                                                      many other parties and with cooperation with conservatories
          are more and more happy eyes and support                                                                               and pedagogical academies it is the most important foundati-
          for each other. The ultimate goal is that the                                                                          on for promoting music education in NL.
          students would be able to play in an orchestra                                                                         We are very happy to cooperate as we share the same goal:
          and play pieces without having  music school                                                                           give children the opportunity to learn to play music and provi-
          education.                                                                                                             de them with music education in different ways.
          GUNNAR:                                                                                                                We will increase our possibilities and share knowledge and
          An alternative to a music school is important,                                                                         networks together.
          because some talented students just don’t                                                                              Mrs. Jantien Westerveld, director of the foundation, started 14
          have enough time for multiple subjects. When                                                                           years ago with us the first Class Bands in Amstelveen, a city
          they have acquired the basic skills then it is                                                                         near Amsterdam. At that time she was the director of the mu-
          possible to come back to music later in life.                                                                          sic school in Amstelveen and she knows Class Band system
          During the end of Soviet Union times, people                                                                           very well.
          What do you think is the added value of a  GUNNAR:
          Class Band?                                        I encourage general education school’s direc-                          Every child deserves to get music education at
          AVELI:                                             tors in Post-Soviet states to use the YCB me-                                                          primary school
          The added value is that the whole class can  thod as a part of the general school program.
          collectively learn how to play instruments.  It is an important aid for wind instrument or-                            Music makes people happy. lts intrinsic value helps us stay healthy - in fact, it ma-
                                                                                                                                 kes all of society healthier. Music is an integral part of life, and it plays a key role in
          The students can motivate and support each  chestras  to  re-emerge  in  general  education
          other. A little bit of competition arises, which  schools. School orchestra is an important part                       all cultures, not just our own. We turn to music at important moments, both in ce-
                                                                                                                                 lebration and in mourning. Music heals; it relaxes us, energises us, conneds people
          makes the students set new goals.                  of school culture!
          GUNNAR:                                                                                                                and brings us together. lt shapes our identity.
          The revival of wind instrument orchestras in                                                                            from the Music Teachers’ agreement for primary teacher training colleges and music colleges.
          Students getting to socialize.                                                                                                                                There are several things need to be in place before mu-
          Promotion of wind orchestra music and gene-                                                                                                                   sic education can become a structural feature at primary
          rating interest towards playing wind instru-                                                                                                                  schools:
          ments.                                                                                                                                                        * awareness of the importance of music education
                                                                                                                                                                        * good infrastructure and facilities
          What would you like to learn yourself?                                                                                                                        * music eduaction
          AVELI and GUNNAR                                                                                                                                              * a continuous learning pathway
          How to organize group studies even better                                                                                                                     * expert teachers and subject teachers now and in the
          meanwhile staying calm and professional.                                                                                                                      future
          Also how to help those who are a bit behind
          in a way that doesn’t waste time for those who                                                                                                                Nationwide collaboration is essential to ensure that mu-
          are more advanced during the lesson                                                                                                                           sic becomes just as integral a part of the curriculum as
                                                                                                                                                                        maths, reading and sport. With that aim in mind, the pri-
          Would you like to say something to your Eu-                                                                                                                   mary teacher training colleges and music colleges have
          ropean colleagues?                                                                                                                                            entered into a nationwide collaboration that is set to last
          AVELI:                                                                                                                                                        from 2020 until 2032.
          Let’s stick  together and bring  happiness to                                                                                                                 We are happy to join and do what we can do to bring mu-
          students. Let’s play our instruments and show                                                                                                                 sic to every child in society!
          that together we can make music and enjoy it.
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