Page 14 - Body of Work by Pam Slim
P. 14
Your Ingredients We often describe ourselves primarily by the title of our profession or the name of our degree. “This is Mike. He is an operations manager.” “This is Farah. She has a PhD from Harvard.” “This is Lee. She is a stay-at-home mom.” These descriptions communicate one aspect of our lives at a particular point in time. But there are infnite other parts to each of us that add competence, distinction, emotional depth, strength, and meaning to the way we live each and every day. I call these other parts our ingredients. Our ingredients are the skills, strengths, experiences, identity, and knowledge that we have gained throughout the course of our lives. They are what make us uniquely capable and interesting. We are not bullets on a resume looking for a job, we are cupboards of ingredients, looking for a recipe. ChangeThis | 113.01
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