Page 17 - Body of Work by Pam Slim
P. 17
How do you determine your ingredients? Your ingredients can be grouped into six main categories. 1. Roles | Which job roles have you fulflled? (Examples: salesperson, parent, martial artist.) 2. Skills | Which measurable skills do you have? (Examples: Ruby on Rails programming, Spanish, customer service, accounting.) Where did you learn them? 3. Strengths | Which strengths come naturally to you? (Examples: writing, selling, baking.) 4. Experience | What kinds of work situations (academic, corporate, nonproft, entrepreneurial) have you been in? What kinds of life experiences have you had? (Examples: study abroad, travel, wealthy parents, abusive relationships, health challenges.) 5. Values | What do you believe in? (Examples: mastery, justice, Second Amendment rights) Why? 6. Scars | Which life situations have brought you to your knees? What did you learn from those situations? You are going to use different ingredients at different times of your career. ChangeThis | 113.01