Page 16 - Decide by Gino Wickman
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Decide! The One Common Denominator of All Great Leaders by Gino Wickman 13 profts to these organizations and a new company we do your best work as an entrepreneur without maintaining launched,, from which 5 percent of all this state of mind. revenues go to these organizations. The superlative leaders I’ve observed have a habit of taking “Buying back Image One was a huge decision on many time-outs in one of three ways. They take thirty quiet levels. It took a great deal of vision, strategy, and minutes every day, one to two quiet hours per week, or execution. In the end, it was one of the best decisions I a half-day a month of uninterrupted thinking time out of have made during my entrepreneurial career and couldn’t the offce. Because they can rise above the nonstop petty have been without clarity of vision.” demands of their business, they can see it more clearly. They make some of the best decisions I’ve ever seen. They exude confdence. Discovery #2: Good decision making You have to step back and take a look at the big picture on requires clarity and a regular basis. To paraphrase philosopher and logician Kurt confdence Gödel, you can’t be in a system while at the same time understanding the system you’re in. One of the practices that great leaders maintain is taking Pausing on a regular basis allows you to block out all of “Clarity Breaks.” That means getting out of the offce at the noise that’s clouding your judgment and creating regular intervals for some thinking time to gain some clarity murkiness. In this state, you’ll be able to not only think and protect your confdence. I’m a fourteen-year student better but also listen to your gut. You’ve heard that of The Strategic Coach Program by Dan Sullivan, which has expression a million times: Trust your gut. Now this old taught over 14,000 entrepreneurs. Dan’s program helps adage has been scientifcally proven. In his book, Get Out people stay clear and confdent. He teaches that you can’t of Your Own Way, author Robert K. Cooper, Ph.D., explains