Page 254 - Maria Constantino "The Knot Handbook"
P. 254
FRAY KERN MANTLE LEAD (pro1101111ced 'feed')
The deliberate or accidental Climbing rope constructed The direction taken by the
unlaying of a rope's end to its from a core (kern) of parallel working end as it goeas around
components strands, yarns and bunches of fibres contained or through an object or knot
fibres within a tightly woven
protective sheath (mantel) LINE
HALF HITCH Any rope with a specific
A circle of rope made around KNOT function, eg.washing line, a
an object. The circle is kept in 1) the term for stoppers, loops tow line
place by taking one end of the and self-sufficient bindings
rope across and at right angles (thereby excluding hitches and LOCKING TUCK
to the other end bends) . The finishing lead of a working
2) the generic term for the end that secures the knot in its
H ARD LAID tucks and ties made in cordage finished form and without
Stiff cordage which the knot would unravel
HAWSER Rope formed by twisting LOOP
Three strand rope strands of yarn together A circle of rope formed by
bringing two pares of rope
HEAVING LINE LASH/LASH ING together but without them
The line attached to a mooring To secure two or more adjacent crossing over each other
rope. It is thrown from a boat or crossed poles with a binding
and used to haul the mooring of rope MARLINESPIKE
rope to shore A slim, poimed, metal
LASHING TURN cone used to separate strands of
HITCH The turn used to bind poles rope, usually when untying a
A knot used to make a line fast together knot
to an anchor point such as a
rail, post, ring or other rope LANYARD MESSENGER
A short length of cord that is The name given to a heaving
KARIBINER used to lash, secure or suspend or throwing line when it is used
A metal snap-ring, often D- an object to haul or pull a thicker rope
Shaped, with a pivoting gate across an intervening space
that can be closed securely. LAY
They are used by climbers and The direction in which rope MIDDLE
cavers strands spiral as they go away To middle: to find the ce11tre of
from the viewer, a length of rope by bringing
--~.......... either clockwise the two ends together
or Z laid) or anti- NATURAL FIBRES
clockwise (left-handed or Pla11t products used to make
S laid) ropes and other cordage