Page 255 - Maria Constantino "The Knot Handbook"
P. 255
A loop which passes around its Rope with a very high degree Flat, woven webbing used by
own standing part and draws of elasticity. (Also called climbers to make slings/strops
tight when pulled elasticated cord)
OVERHAND L OOP SEIZING Rope made of three strands
A loop in which the working Joining two ropes or parts of twisted together
end is laid on top of the ropes together by binding with
standing part twine TUCK
Passing one part of a rope
PALM SLING underneath another part
A glove-like leather strap with a An endless rope or webbing
metal plate (iron) in the palm 'strop' (pronounced 'strap') TURN
used to protect the hand when Passing the rope around an
pushing a sailmaker's needle SMA LL STUFF object
through rope A general, albeit imprecise, term
for small diameter 'stuff' like U NDERHAND LOOP
PRUSIKING string which is not rope! A loop in which the working
To climb a rope using knots end is laid beneath the standing
that jam when downwards SOFT LAID part
pressure is applied but can slide Flexible rope or cordage (as
up the rope when the weight is opposed to hard laid) U NLAID ROPE
removed Rope that has been separated
STANDING END into its component strands
RACKING TURNS The 'inactive' end of rope or
Seizing and lashing turns made cord WHIPPING
in a figure-of-eight fashion A binding used to prevent the
STANDING PART ends of rope from fraying
ROPE The length of rope or cord
Cordage over /12in (1 Omm) in between the working and WORKING EN D
diameter standing ends The end of the rope used when
tying a knot
A complete circle followed by a The largest element of a rope, Y ARN
half circle with part of a rope made from twisted yarns T he basic element:; of rope
around an object strands made from either
STROP (pronounced 'strap') natural fibres or synthetic (man-
S-LAID A sling made) materials
Left-handed or anticlockwise
laid rope Z-LA ID
Right-handed or clockwise laid