Page 7 - Unfortunates Club
P. 7


               soon to be halted, a fairly calm lady came behind Tina, placing her arms around her and on

               Tina’s chest in attempts to calm her. She holds her own hands, holding Tina back from getting

               physical. “Aht, aht. Shhh, calm down, Tina, calm down. Shhh.” The woman looks at Victor, her

               eyes droopy and sad, a very weak look painted on her face, she seemed exhausted, like she had

               to deal with this for her entire life. “I-I’m sorry about her, b-but please, just go with her plans,

               sh-she won’t stop unless you do.” The woman says, a little scared, but still calm. Okalani steps

               in, “Well, as the self proclaimed leader, I say let’s follow this silly girl!” Tina flailed her arms in

               excitement waving them, “Ahahahahaa~! Yay! Yaay!”

                       Victor squinted his eyes in what seemed to be embarrassment or anger, “W-Well then, I’ll

               be excluding myself from this group, for I’ve only broughten discourse afoot, it appears you’d all

               benefit if I went my own path.” Suddenly, behind Victor, a large figure appeared behind him.

               “H-Huh…?” The figure lifted him up. “H-HUH WH-WHAT?! P-PUT ME DOWN! G-GET

               YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME! L-LET GO OF ME!!!” Victor squirmed in their grip trying to

               break free, but to no avail, for his figure is slim, and he isn’t the strongest of men, and the figure

               seems to surpass men’s strength. “U-Uh, apologies, but I can’t let anyone wander off, even if you

               don’t think you’re any worth, i-it’s just that no man is left behind, you know?” Tina put her

               hands behind her head smugly. “Eyahaha! Now with that li’l bitch boy handled, let’s get a

               fuckin’ move on!” The group started walking. They walked for hours, upon hours, casually

               exchanging playful banter, getting closer with each other.

                       “Ugh, it’s so fuckin’ dark out! I can barely see a thing!” Tina complained, walking with

               the soft spoken girl, “Well maybe if you took off that mask then-” “I ain’t takin’ my mask off for

               shit, Avery!” “I-I’m sorry, Tina! H-Here, l-let me get my flashlight…!” Avery fumbled around in
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