Page 14 - 21 Cotton SA February 2020
P. 14


        certification of product safety. The recent foot-  • Product markets
        and-mouth disease debacle clearly showed that   The free-market system in South Africa is vibrant
        national and provincial government departments   and growing. The formalisation of informal
        are unable to manage animal health issues. Various   markets is a tremendous success story with
        industries are providing their own quality control   supermarket chains opening stores in the growing
        and expert certification schemes successfully.   peri-urban areas and underdeveloped cities.
           There are a few examples where joint action   Population growth and the increasing average
        between government and industry resulted in   per capita disposable income as more people
        industry growth. The cotton initiative of Cotton   enter the formal economy are driving retail
        SA and the Department of Trade and Industry   demand. The growth of consumer demand will
        working together in the Sustainable Cotton   help to grow the economy.
        Cluster, is a good example. Other agricultural   The deterioration during the past 24 years
        and agro-processing industries will do well to   because of neglect of infrastructure seriously
        follow Cotton SA’s example.                impacts productivity. The current Eskom debacle
                                                   and the crisis at Onderstepoort Biological Products
        • Labour markets                           are good examples. The only real solution, while
        Officially there are 6,6 million unemployed   probably not politically acceptable, is to privatise
        and 2,75 million so-called discouraged people   these organisations and change regulations
        that are no longer seeking jobs. The official   to enable the private sector to take over these
        unemployment rate is at 29%, the highest level   functions.
        since 2008. More than half the young people
        below 24 years are unemployed. Minimum     • Governance
        wages and extreme overregulation of the labour   Good governance is a prerequisite for
        market are the main reasons why industry does   economic growth. We have an independent
        not employ more people. Labour unrest also   judiciary system with judges who have amply
        plays a role. The unnecessary labour unrest in the   illustrated their independence in the past.
        Western Cape a few years ago accelerated the   Unfortunately, corruption is a huge problem.
        rate of mechanisation in the fruit industry. While   The new president has appointed several
        there is an oversupply of unskilled labour, the   commissions to investigate corruption in various
        education system does not supply the necessary   entities. To date, no real action has been taken
        skilled workers. We will have to deregulate the   to bring the guilty parties to book, but at least
        labour market and revamp the education system.   there is some action against corruption, which
        It is counterproductive to raise the matric pass   is encouraging.
        rate by lowering standards.

        Despite widespread corruption, a deteriorating infrastructure
        and inability of government to provide services, there are
        still positive aspects. We have a growing population, well-
        functioning financial system, free press, independent judiciary,
        excellent manufacturing and retail infrastructure, and a
        growing agricultural industry with access to new technologies,
        all guaranteed by a model constitution.
           If we want to grow the economy, government will have to
        take some unpopular decisions and privatise ailing state-owned
        entities. The private sector is committed to transformation
        and economic growth, but its best efforts are hindered by
        unnecessary regulations. Government will have to change
        these regulations to accommodate private sector initiatives.

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