Page 8 - 12 Cotton SA August 2017
P. 8


                     AS AT 1 AUGUST 2017

                            The large increase in ending stocks outside of China may
                             put downward pressure on international cotton prices.

            he   International   Cotton  Due  to  the  fact  that  a  number  of
        TAdvisory  Committee  (ICAC)   large  cotton  producing  countries
        projects that world cotton produc-  such  as  Pakistan  and  India  are
        tion will increase by 8% in 2017/18  likely  to  decrease  their  cotton
        to 24.9 million tons. Cotton produc-  imports  in  2017/18  due  to  larger
        tion  in  India,  the  world's  largest  domestic  supplies,  the  ICAC
        cotton  producer,  is  expected  to  projects that world cotton trade will
        increase by 6% to 6.1 million tons  decline by 1% to 7.8 million tons in
        in 2017/18 due an early and ade-  2017/18. While the USA is expect-
        quate monsoon, a higher minimum  ed  to  remain  the  world's  largest
        support price and the prospect of  cotton exporter, the ICAC expects
        better  returns  from  cotton  com-  that  its  exports  will  decrease  by
        pared  to  competing  crops.  The  about  8%  to  2.9  million  tons  in
        ICAC expects cotton production in  2017/18  due  to  more  competition
        China  to  rebound  by  7%  to  5.2  from  other  countries.  The  ICAC
        million  tons  in  2017/18,  which  however  forecasts  that  cotton
        would be the first increase in five  exports  from    India  and  Australia
        seasons and is mainly due to high-  will   increase, by 2% to 930,000
        er  domestic  cotton  prices.  In  the  tons  and  by  8%  to  760,000  tons,
        USA,  higher  cotton  prices,  suffi-  respectively.
        cient soil moisture in dryland areas
        and  beneficial  weather  during  World ending stocks of  cotton are
        planting time encouraged farmers  projected by the ICAC to decrease
        to  expand  cotton  area  and  the  by  1%  to  18.8  million  tons  in
        ICAC estimates a 10% increase in  2017/18 but most of the decrease
        cotton  production  to  4.1  million  will  occur  in  China  where  cotton
        tons  for  2017/18.  Cotton  produc-  stocks are expected to decline by
        tion  increases  are  also  expected  16% to 8.9 million tons at the end
                                                                            s far as the local outlook is concerned,
        from  the  two  other  large  cotton  of 2017/18. Ending stocks  outside
                                                                        Athe  7   estimate  for  the  2016/17
        producing  countries  namely  Paki-  of  China  are  forecast  to  grow  by
                                                                        production  year  indicates  a  total  crop  of
        stan (+17%) and Brazil (+5%).  19% to 9.8 million tons in 2017/18
                                                                        82 785 lint bales, up 64% from the previous
                                       which may put downward pressure
                                                                        season and 7% up from the previous month’s
        The  ICAC  expects  world  cotton  on international cotton prices. The
                                                                        estimate.    About  80  785  lint  bales  are
        consumption  to  rise  by  2%  to  25  ICAC therefore forecasts that the A
                                                                        estimated to be produced from RSA grown
        million tons in 2017/18. A modest  Index  in  2017/18  will  range  be-
                                                                        seed  cotton,  up  60%  from  the  previous
        1%      increase  is  projected  for  tween 54 to 87 US c/lb with a mid-
                                                                        season.  The  balance  of  2000  lint  bales
        China,  the  world's  largest  cotton  point of 69 US c/lb, which would be
                                                                        relates  to  expected  Swaziland  produced
        consumer, whilst cotton consump-  14 US c/lb lower than the 2016/17
                                                                        cotton ginned by the Swaziland gin.
        tion in India is forecast to increase  average price index of 83 US c/lb.
        by  2%  to  5.3  million  tons  after
        declining by 3% in 2016/17.    Koot Louw - Cotton SA
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