Page 18 - 11 Cotton SA March 2017
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Continued from page 17
                                             the  first  year  of
          Subsequently  Woolworths  and  Edcon implementing  the  BCI Sector  Strategy  was
                                                                                 base,  a  Cotton
          also  joined  the  Cluster  and  we  are selected  producers.  The
                                             standard  with
                                                                                 developed  to  pave  the  way  for  the
                                             programme  will
                                                                                 revitalisation  of
          developing  pilot  ISCPs  for  both,  while be  extended  to  include the  industry.  This
                                             all producing areas during the next two
          expanding the Mr Price Group program-                                  demand-led  strategy  translates  import
          mes. Although the Cluster currently takes                              replacement  by  local  retail  into  growth
          up close on 30% of local production, it is                             and transformation opportunities for the
                                            ▪ In order to find a cost-effective harvesting
          anticipated  that  future  demand  will                                industry.        These                               are
                                             solution for dryland commercial farmers,opportunities
          consume  the  bulk  of  the  local  cotton                             significant,  and
                                             the  Cluster  successfully  demonstrateda  mere  25%  import
                                             the  Stripper  Ha
          crop.  The  ISCP  model  received  inter-rvester  technology  and
                                                                                 replacement on four basic retail product
                                             several  of  these
          national recognition as leading business harvesters  will  now  be
                                                                                 categories will require more than 50,000
          model  for  virtual  supply  chain  inte-                              metric tons of
                                             used to harvest the crop this season. additional cotton lint, an
          gration  at  the  Global  Textile  Exchange                            upgrade of ginning facilities, 60,000 tons
                                            ▪ It  was  further  important  to  investigate
          Conference in Germany last year. ways  to  increase  the  farmernning capacity, etc.
                                                                                 of new cotton spi
                                             income  through  p
        ▪ In support of the ISCP model, the Clusterrocessing  cotton  seed production  increased
                                                                               ▪ Although  cotton
                                             into valuable by-p
          completed the development of a Cloud-roducts. Due to the cost
                                                                                 more than 200% from 2013, South Africa
          based Information Systems Platform that                                has  the  potential
                                             sensitive competitive nature of the edibleto  produce  100,000
          caters       for    item-level  oils  market,  the  Cluster  decided  to
                                                                                 tons of lint, close to the record crop of
          sustainability  compliance  and  supply                                products         and
                                                              alternative  1989.
          chain management from fibre production
                                             contracted  North-West  University  to
                                                                                GOING FORWAR
          to retail point of sale. Its design receiveded  crude  oil  for  bio-D
                                             analyse  cotton  se
                                             paraffin purposes. Results indicated that
          an  Innovation  Award  at  the  2015                                  Implementing  a  national  sector  strategy
          Outsystems Global Conference in Lisbon,                               will  require  subs
                                             the quality of the oil is ideally suited fortantial  funding  and
          Portugal.          Implementation                 and aviation  fuel.  The  Cluster
                                             refining  into
                                                                                resources,  and  the  Cluster  developed  a
          demonstration  of  the  Platform  is                                  proposed solution based on international
          scheduled for completion this season.                                 research and on similar circumstances in
        ▪ Building  on  the  foundation  of  the  ISCP                          other countries. The proposed solution is
          and  the  Information  Systems  Platform,                             a weight based Industry Development Levy
          we  were  able  to  continue  with  the                               on imported cotton products. The proposal
          development of innovative supply chain                                is  to  simultaneously  reduce  the  current
          finance and risk management solutions.                                Advalorum  Duties  on  these  products  to
          The Cluster worked with various financial                             zero. The strategy and proposal, also aimed
          institutions to change the risk perception,                           at drastically reducing illegal imports and
          and  successfully  implement  off-balance                             resolving the fabric issue, was presented
          sheet trade finance solutions for Spinners                            to Mr Garth Strachan, Dti Deputy Director-
          and  Ginners.  We  are  also  piloting  a                             General  responsible  for  industrial  policy,
          similar  solution  for  Farmer  finance  this                         at  the  Cotton  SA  board  meeting  in
          season in addition to a bespoke insurance                             November last year. The Dti supported the
                                             teamed  up  with  SAA  and  Boeing  for
          solution  to  consolidate  supply  chain                              strategy  and  proposed  solution  and  will
          insurance into cell testing and as it stands today, all
                                                                                work closely with the Cluster to prepare a
                                                                                final  solution  and  regulation  for
        ▪ The      Cluster       identified        that l tests have been completed and
                                             we  are  testing  various  costing  models. approval  by  National
          independent  world-class  HVI  laboratory                             presentation  and
                                             SAA might well be flying on cotton seed
          will  be  a  key  contributor  to  the                                Government during the next two years.
                                             biofuel very soon
          competitiveness  of  the  cotton  industry.
          value  chain.  This  resulted  in  the                                The       Cluster        init              requires
                                            ▪ The Cluster conducted extensive researchiative
                                             spanning  the  ent
          upgrading  of  the  laboratory  facilities  atire  industry  covering  achange  and  managing
                                                                                this  change  at  al
                                             diverse  range  of
          Cotton SA. The Cotton SA HVI Laboratory topics,  from  a  historicl  levels  of  the  cotton
                                             view  of  the  industry,  to  the  issues
          became the first in the world to receive                              industry value chain has without any doubt
                                             impacting  the  current  status  and  those
          ICA Bremen certification and is today still                           been the biggest challenge in moving the
          the only facility in Africa with this status.                         industry  forward
                                             informing  the  future.  Most  prominent.  However,  these  very
                                             was a Demand Study that quantified local
          It plays an important role in supporting                              circumstances are also slowly unifying the
          transparency,  traceability,  and  global                             industry  again,  and  the  successful
                                             retail demand and confirming that cotton
                                             is  a  pref
          benchmarking for the industry.erred  fibre,  with  a  60%  market  of  the  strategy  will
        ▪ Sustainable production is a global trend                              definitely be the proverbial rising tide that
                                             share.  This  demand  equates  to  300,000
          that  is  at  the  forefront  of  sourcing cotton  lint.  The  Cluster
                                             metric  tons  of
                                                                                lifts all ships.
                                             subsequently completed  audits on more
          strategies  of  most  retailers  and  brands.
                                             than  170  textile  manufacturers  to
          Cotton  producers  in  America  and                                   I would like to thank each and every cotton
                                                                                industry  value
          Australia  developed  and  benchmarkedcapacity,  capability, chain  stakeholder  that
                                             determine  the
                                                                                contributed to the profound progress we
          their  own  national  standards  for compliance,  etc.  of  the
                                               continuous Audits).  This  extensive
          sustainability            and      industry  (C6                      have made to date, and we look forward
                                             research  laid
                                                                                to growing the industry and this country to
          improvement              programmes.             These the  foundation  for  the
                                             development of an industry strategy for
          programmes  are equivalent to the global                              the benefit of all.
                                             the Cotton Sector.
          Better  Cotton  Initiative  (BCI)  standard.
                                            ▪ Through
                                                                      inclusive                           _________
          The Cluster opted for the same process to                                     industry
                                             engagement  process  and  utilising  the
          put South African producers on the same
                                             Cluster’s  comprehensive  intelligence
          level and we have successfully completed
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