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           << p15  without affecting yield or crop maturity. Harvesting cotton   refereNceS
           in time also prevents the stainers attacking the seeds from the opened   L.D. Godfrey,  P.B.  Goodell,  E.T.  Natwick  and  D.R.  Haviland.  UC  IPM  Pest  Management
           bolls. This is essential to break the cycles of pest in the system as a whole.   Guidelines: Cotton. UC ANR Publication 3444.
           Natural insecticides and botanical sprays such as neem, custard apple,   L. Wilson, M. Khan and T. Farrell.  2008. Pale cotton stainers, Dysdercus sidae. On Farm
           garlic, sweet flag, and sweet basil can be used to control stainers. In small   Series: IPM. Produced by Cotton CRC.
           plots they may be hand-picked and destroyed.  Strict adherence to cotton   K. Kohno and B.T. Ngan. 2004. Effects of host plant species on the development of
                                                                Dysdercus cingulatus. (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae). Appl. Entomol. Zool. 39 (1): 183–187.
           crop destruction dates assists in keeping the pest numbers down between
           growing seasons.                                     By: L N Malinga, ARC-Institute for Industrial Crops, Tel: (+27) 014 536 3150.
                   Common insect pests and their

             control on cotton in South Africa - 2

           We continue with information on common insect pests found on cotton in South Africa – the first part was published
           in the December issue of CottonSAKatoen, 2012.
           Stink bugs                                           imPortaNt uSe of PeSticiDeS
           Stink bugs pierce small bolls and suck               Chemical treatments should only be applied when the populations of
           sap  from  the  seeds.  This  may  cause             pests reach levels that correspond to the economic thresholds of each
           small bolls to fall from the plants. Seed            pest. Avoid treating infestations that are below thresholds because
           coats collapse and the attached lint                 unnecessary disruptions to populations of beneficial species often
           often acquires a yellowish to brownish               result in plant injury by other insect pests. Pesticides must only be used
           coloured stain. Lint beneath the feeding             for the purpose for which they are registered and must not be used in
           spot may be stained or reduced in grade.             any other situation or in any manner contrary to the directions on the
           Small, warty growths on the inside of a boll wall will generally mark   label.  Some chemical products have more than one retail name. All
           the points of penetration. Water-soaked cuts are signs of more recent   retail products containing the same chemical may not be registered
           penetrations, where warts may not have had time to develop. Warts   for use on the same crops. Always check carefully that the label on the
           may never develop when a stink bug penetrates the boll wall, fails to   retail product carries information on the crop to be sprayed. Pesticides
           find a seed, and then quickly withdraws its beak.  Damaged bolls may   may contaminate the environment and when spraying, care must be
           open prematurely. Boll damage is the main criterion used to evaluate   taken to avoid spray drift on to adjoining land or waterways. Residues
           infestations of stink bugs. When scouting for stink bugs, one should   may accumulate in animals fed any crop product, including crop
           randomly select young bolls, break them open, and check the inner   residues, which have been sprayed with pesticides. In the absence
           walls of the bolls for the damage symptoms indicated above. Care   of any specified grazing withholding periods, grazing of any treated
           should be taken to ensure that all bolls examined are of the same   crop is at the owner’s risk. Disruption of beneficial insects with a broad
           age class because these will provide the most reliable estimate of the   spectrum of insecticides can increase the populations of other pests.
           actual current damage in a field. When damage symptoms are present,
           look for adults and large nymphs by shaking plants. It is possible that   ScoutiNg
           plant bugs or other sucking insects might damage small bolls, so   A good scouting program is still the first line of defence against insect
           identification is important before action is taken. Pyrethroids applied   pests in cotton. Along with the development of this multi-tactic
           for bollworm control will generally provide control of stink bugs as   management system is an increased awareness of “in-field” insect and
           well. Stink bugs seldom develop in large numbers on cotton.  plant dynamics. This awareness is a result of constant crop monitoring
           Cotton stainers                                      of pests and beneficial insects and their effects on the cotton plant.
           The adult cotton stainer is a “true bug”             This is the basis of cotton scouting. Insect scouting should begin from
           with  piercing,  sucking  mouthparts.  The           seedling emergence and be done at least weekly. Cotton scouting, or
           head and the neck are bright red; the                crop monitoring, is not a suppression tool itself but rather a means
           remainder of the body is dark brown                  of gathering information on pests which will aid in management
           crossed with pale yellow lines. Immature             decisions.  There is more to cotton monitoring than just checking for
           stages are smaller but resemble adults               insects. It involves proper identification, a determination of pest and
           without wings. Cotton stainer eggs are               beneficial insect densities and their effects on the cotton crop as a
           small, pale and laid singly on cotton                whole. Insect numbers fluctuate a great deal. In cotton fields pests can
           plants or dropped on the ground near cotton plants.  The immature   increase to a point where, if not suppressed, they will cause economic
           insects are usually found congregating near the egg shell after   damage to the crop.
           emergence and the older ones feed on the bolls or wander freely over   The economic threshold is determined by research and practical
           the plant.  The cotton stainer is mainly a pest of long staple cotton.   experience. It has been approximated for most cotton pests but
           It damages developing bolls by puncturing seeds and causing plant   may vary with the area in which the crop is grown. Since evaluating
           sap to exude from the feeding site. The plant sap stains the lint an   the economic  threshold involves observing a  pest population  that
           indelible yellow colour. Feeding by the cotton stainer also interferes   is truly dynamic and rises and falls periodically, there must be some
           with the bolls’ natural development.  The economic threshold for   method  of  systematic  scouting  on  a  regular  basis.  Scouting  results
           cotton stainers is 6 focal points per hectare. Some of the insecticides   should be recorded in an easy-to-understand method. It is also critical
           that control cotton stainers include Bulldock®, Beta 125 SC Decis® and   to monitor the effects of other factors such as weather, disease and
           Forté Sevin® XLR Plus.                               herbicidal injury.                          >> p17

                                        Katoen sa Cotton     16    Jan - Mei/May 2013
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