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           enemies often keep pests below densities that cause unacceptable   By:  L.N.  Malinga,  ARC-Institute  for  Industrial  Crops,  Tel:  (+27)  014  536
           cotton losses.  The Bt gene enables cotton plants to produce proteins   3150, Fax: (+27) 014 536 3113, E-mail:
           toxic to caterpillars. Cells of leaves, stems, squares, flowers and bolls of
           these genetically engineered cotton plants contain lethal doses of the   refereNceS
           toxin. When the insects eat the Cry-proteins, they bind to receptors   Bohmfalk G. T., R. E. Frisbie, W. L. Sterling, R. B. Metzer and A. E. Knutson. 2011.
           on the insect gut and insect stops feeding within a few hours and dies   Identifi cation, biology and sampling of cotton insects. Cooperative Extension
           within 2 or 3 days if the dose is sufficiently high. Varieties with this Bt   Work in Agriculture and Home Economics US Department of Agriculture. Texas
           technology have provided excellent control of bollworms.   AgriLife Extension Service. The Texas A&M University System.
                                                                Greene J. K., F. Reay-Jones, R. G. Bellinger and T. Walker. 2008. Cotton Insect
           Thresholds for bollworm in Bt cotton were developed in response to
           observations that many problems with bollworm occurred in fields   Management. Clemson University Cooperating with U.S. Department of
                                                                Agriculture, South Carolina Counties, Extension Service, Clemson, South
           of Bt cotton where there had been moderate to high levels of eggs.   Carolina.
           Adherence to refuge standards will minimize selection pressure for   Wilson L., G. Herron, T. Smith and Simone Heimona. 2008. On Farm Series: How
           bollworm to develop resistance to Bt toxins. Cotton growers in South   To. Strategies to manage aphids in cotton. CSIRO Plant Industry, Department of
           Africa are required to always plant non-Bt cotton as a refuge.    Primary Industries. Cotton CRC.

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             have settled in. Pushing the limits in the morning is less of a risk as   buck area is free of weeds, stones, waste or pills. As mentioned
             the cotton is drying.                                 previously, any foreign material where modules are built on is easily
           •  Tarping  practices:  wear and tear on tarps is most likely to allow   transported to the sign
             rain moisture into the module through holes and the like. Ensure   •  Machine failures: it is common for pickers, boll buggies and presses
             that moist modules (those exposed to rain) are allowed to dry by   to break down at some stage during the season. On site repair of
             removing the tarp and refitting it.                   these machines can lead to contamination of the module, e.g.
           •  Contamination: SA produced cotton has a very clean, contamination   module builder hydraulic oil if a strict clean up policy is not followed.
             free image and it is paramount for growers’ interests that it stays that   •  Grower  Involvement:  There should be as much co-operation
             way. Contamination in modules can lead to downgraded cotton and   between the grower and the ginner as possible.  The aim of the
             associated merchant discounts and gin machinery damage and fires.   gin is to allow the grower to achieve the best quality cotton and
             It can result from:                                   therefore the highest possible price. Growers input in the ginning
           •  Carelessness and poor housekeeping: it is important that every one   operation are essential. In the simplest form it can be notification
             in the picking crew fully understand the ground rules and standards   of problem modules. However it can also include getting the ginner
             which are required. For example, correct disposal of items such as   to configure the gin to get the desired results for your cotton, for
             drink cans and plastic food wrappers is essential.    example the number of lint cleaners, heat and moisture levels.
           •  Poor sitting of module builders: ensure that the tail drain or rota-  Source: Facts on Friday

                     the Cotton MarKs                            wHere to oBtaiN laBelS BeariNg tHe cottoN marK
                                                                 The following local label manufacturers are the only licensed vendors
                          he Cotton Mark is a registered trademark launched by   authorised to manufacture labels bearing the cotton marks:
                          South Afri  can cotton producers as a quality mark for   Julius Solomon    Cape Town    021 511 3135
                      T cotton merchan dise. Since 1985, the use of the Cotton   International Trimmings   Cape Town, Johannesburg
                      Mark was granted to most of the important players in the      Durban             021 590 1100
                      cotton pipeline and the mark has become a true standard   PMC Sewing Systems    Pinetown  Johannesburg   031 700 4275
                      against which all cotton produce is measured.
                                           Cotton contacts • Katoenkontakte

           Cotton SA Trust 012-804 1462    Corporation 086 069 3888  SACTMA 011-615 4007   Vaalharts Pluismeule 053-474 0115
           SAKPO 012-804 1462        Cargill Cotton 011-799 2000  SATIEC 021-577 4200    Noord-Kaap Pluismeule 082 948 2569
           NAMC 012-341 1115         Kleinboer Opleiding (Katoen SA)     TEXFED 011-615 4007  Loskop Pluismeule 013-261 1498
           Lever Ponds Pty Ltd 011-802 5770   012-804 1462     Weipe Pluismeule 015-533 3021  GWK Pluismeule 053-581 0037
           Monsanto 011-790 8200     ARC-IIC 014-536 3150      Cotton/Katoen SA 012-804 1462/67
           Industrial Development        SACGA 012-804 1462
                                      Katoen sa Cotton      19    Jan - Mei/May 2013
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