Page 16 - 08 Cotton SA March 2016
P. 16

Article as it appeared in the 22nd January 2016 edition of Cotton Seed Distributors’ “Facts on Friday”; Australian
          Finishing the crop with limited


          Water budgets are once again tight, and crop
          managers are seeking to optimise yields from what      FIGURE 1
          water they have available. There are a couple of
          characteristics of the cotton plant which can be
          exploited and will enable crop managers to extract
          the most from every last drop.

          Excessive Growth: In limited water scenarios the number one
          enemy is excessive growth apparent in two ways; firstly, the crop
          is forced to be prematurely shut down and the nutrient demand
          is higher than the yield requirements and therefore the crop
          continues to put on extra nodes which will not contribute  to the
          yield but continue robbing valuable resources which could have
          gone into filling bolls.

          Secondly, extra bolls which have grown but do not have the
          required time or resources to mature, can sometimes be difficult
          to open at maturity despite  high  rates  of  Prep. In  these
          situations,  select  and commit to the last effective flower on the
          plant (that flower may be already there).

          Work out how many days of water are remaining and work
                                                                                                     Continue on p 17

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