Page 17 - 08 Cotton SA March 2016
P. 17

Continue from p 16  fiNishiNG the CroP With liMited Water

          backwards. To force a boll open prior to maturity it needs to   defoliation. Growth regulators applied at last effective flower
          be approximately 75% (approx. 500-550 day degrees) through   assist with minimising non productive growth and allow those
          development. Therefore on average you will need to feed and   resources to be available to support growth of bolls (yield),
          water from flowering for 38-40 days to get it into the picker.  especially in situations where crops have more than ample
          Hot Weather: It will increase water use per day and therefore
          the crop water requirement is higher which in turn reduces the   Crop Stress Responses: At this time the crop is principally
          number of days of available moisture for maturing bolls. On   filling bolls, and is past the more sensitive periods of crop
          average the crop will use 8mm per day till defoliation - a higher   development such as leaf growth, rate of squaring or crop
          amount now during boll fill and less as the crop opens up.  height determination. The least sensitive development phase to
                                                               water stress is boll growth, and this is the one factor which is still
          Premature Plant  Stress: By stretching  irrigations to prolong   relevant at this time of the crop’s growth.
          the life of the crop, there is a risk of the crop going into stress
          prematurely. Remember that stretching irrigations will require
          more water in the subsequent irrigations and it will take longer
          to come through which impacts down the line of the irrigation   COUPLE OF SCENARIOS
          cycle, hence crops may stress further waiting their turn. Stretching
          irrigations late in the flowering period has the greatest impact   Let’s use the example plant in FIGURE 1 as a guide with two
          on yield, postponing this stress to boll maturation is where the   irrigations to go, and the third last irrigation just applied (180
          stress will have the least impact.                   mm). Assume that a boll will open if it is 75% mature (40 days
                                                               In this example the crop in scenario B needs to have its cut
          WHAT IS GOING TO WORK FOR YOU                        out application of Pix now. The flower numbered 24 is the last
                                                               effective flower for this crop, anything above this flower has little
          Fibre Quality: Modern Australian cotton varieties with   chance of making the picker.
          the exception of Sicot 71RRF have very good fibre quality
          characteristics, so they provide some buffering before penalties   The crop in scenario A will require to be shut down just prior to
          occur. In addition later stress means that there is less impact on   the next irrigation. In this example target the square numbered
          fibre length.                                        15, as this will be the last effective flower in this crop. In both
                                                               these scenarios that will enable 40 days to mature that last boll
          Soil Moisture: One of the most under utilised resources by cotton   on the plant so it will open and contribute to yield.
          growers is residual soil moisture. Industry recommendations
          in the past have used the guideline of being at refill point at
          defoliation to assist with boll maturation and leaf drop. Later in
          crop growth more of this stored soil moisture could be utilised,
          between refill point and wilting point of the soil. However, crops
          should not be overly stressed so that effective defoliation can
          still occur. As well, drying out the soil moisture profile to wilting
          point may assist in minimising damage to soil structure through
          picker compaction.

          Growth Regulators:  Many have adopted the practice of
          applying high rates of growth regulators at cutout to reduce
          excessive late season growth and boost crop uniformity into

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